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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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um-hmmmmm.... as I suspected! :heehee


Shannon is making the square I designed. It is for her cousin. Part of a wedding gift. and :yes we talked about making it into a pillow to go in a rocking chair.

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Leanne your flag square is really pretty. I :manyheart red,white, and blue stuff. Did you carry the white through the stars? That would be a lot of ends to weave if you didn't!

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Oh good, so you know someone then? Well, I feel better about it now.


Nana nana booboo! This is my 400th post!

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Yes, I carried the white through... I had a friend here at C'Ville test it for me before I posted it, and she had some very clever ideas to eliminate <ahem> End Weaving.

and thank you for the compliments... it's the first thing I designed that I actually got the guts to do something with.:clap

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Seriously though, thank you so much for offering to help me with this. I must warn you that I guarantee I will be a pain in your rumpus! A thousand sorries in advance.

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Thank you Mary. Sweet dreams tonight.


I'm gonna really go this time too.


Good night and have a pleasant tomorrow.

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I need to get going too, gang...


we need to let you get some sleep, Stacy!


Night, Mary! Night, Shannon! Night, Stacy! Good night, JohnBoy! :lol


Sweet dreams, all! You are the best friends a girl could ask for!


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LeaAnne, I didn't see any Cabbage Patch in your dance!


Stacy, now everyone knows where I get my dork-ness from. The apple (or should I say owl) doesn't fall far from the tree!

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Good morning to the night owls! (couldn't resist)

I am a MIL too and I am the coolest, hippest MIL there is!!!(well maybe except for Mary!). As far as a gift for a MIL, I always tell my kids- you don't need to buy me anything, I have everything I need. I don't want them spending $ on me, but I do love time spent with them. I think my favorite birthday of all was a few years ago. DH took me into NYC- we were going to go the Museum of Art- when we got there, all 3 DD's were there! It was their surprise for my birthday- so we spent the day together and then oldest DD hopped on a bus back to Boston. The other two drove back to NJ with us.

Enough of that trek down memory lane.

Time to get cracking here and get ready for work.


Good luck with the house hunting today Stacy. And everyone else- LeaAnne, Colleen, Beth, Mary, Shannon, Vicki, Scooby and Jennifer- have a fantabulous day and remember your vitamins!


Wondering how Scooby and Jennifer are- haven't heard from them in a while. (maybe they are lost reading through all the posts!


Cya on the flip side

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