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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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I'll be back in a bit... I just looked at the time, and am supposed to pick up Jamie at a friend's at 9:30:eek

Thankfully, it's just at the end of the street-ish:devil

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I've been thinking more about doing the Name Filet thing, Mary. I'm really excited to try it. It will take some figuring and math isn't my strongpoint, but I think it would look nice.


What are you working on these days...sweaters?

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Hi Beth, Colleen, Mary, LeaAnne-

I see you are all here, but I can't stay and chat- it's been a long (although exciting) day!


I think Dh is feeling a little left out- ever since I came home I was so excited about my sock monkey potholders! And then he asked if I was going to work on another square. I think he is feeling a little ignored.


I'll be back in the AM (provided I don't turn off the alarm again!)


And, do i get something for being the oldest? LOL


Sweet dreams everyone!

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Enjoy your time with DH, Joanne. :hug And for being the oldest you get...potholders! :lol Just kidding.


My DH is watching TV and remarking at the things he's seeing on there. I won't go into details except to say that sometimes I think I married a 12 year old :rofl

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How is your purple afghan coming????


I've got 6 out of 16 squares done. It's coming along. I have never finished an adult-sized 'ghan, so it is going to be challenging for me not to get distracted by another project.

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I have a really hard time buying gifts for my MIL. She doesn't like anything with a scent. Scratch out MIL go-tos like candles, soaps, lotions, flowers...seriously! Does she have any hobbies? Is she planning any trips. I love to give people bags and then fill them with things. For example, if she travels I'd give her a cosmetic bag with lotion and stuff in it. Or if she's crafty, a tote bag with a magazine and supplies.

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