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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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:hi everyone!


Shannon - Happy 87th birthday to your Gram :)! Did you get your badorkus in gear? I think there was something in the "air" today, because my badorkus were moving very slowly too.


Vicky - I hope you enjoyed your swim and your reading. Sounds nice.


Stacy - Take care of yourself until you can get that ear checked.


Joanne - Welcome to the holiday weekend! Your plans for rest and relaxation sound perfect!


I guess LeaAnne is off to the cape and hopefully having a wonderful trip already.


Mary, Scooby, Beth and anyone I missed - :hi I hope you had a great day!


I got my hair cut this morning and ran a couple errands, had a nap this afternoon (I wasn't feeling the best and needed to recharge). Then I went to work, came home and went for a walk. I am working all day tomorrow, so the end of this week is a busy one.


I have a little song for you. Please sing the tune of Huey Lewis' "I wanna new drug".:devil


I gotta new square

One that won't flop

One that measures 12 x 12

And don't need to be frogged.

I gotta new square

One I think I like most

One that I'm gonna make 9 times

And send to you in the post

One that won't make me frustrated

Wondering what to do

One that makes me feel like I feel when I'm on-line with you

When I'm on-line with you.

Don't worry, I won't quit my "day job" to write songs or poems :lol The long and the short of it is that I have a new besties square that I'm happy with. :cheerme!


Have a great evening!

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Hi everybody!


We had a:stormlast night that took out our power. It wasn't a big storm, and it didn't last long, but it was furious! Any way, we were in the dark until about noon today. I'm so glad to have a/c again!!!


Today I cleaned floors, scrubbed cat boxes and cleaned the critter cages. The kids did a bunch of things, too, and the house is in pretty good shape. I taxied both sons to and from work (and I hung out at the pool for a couple of hours.) I took the van in for brake work. I helped at my younger son's swim meet. (They won!!! They never win!!!) He took 2 seconds off his butterfly time. He was one tenth of a second behind the older guy who won first. It was a great race. Now I'm home, trying to get reconnected to my computer friends.


I missed you all so much. I kept coming into this room, looking longingly at the blank screen.... It was a very sad, lonely day.:cry until the power came back on!:manyheart:c9:yay


I will catch back up with everyone soon. I have a LOT of posts to read!!!

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Beth- We missed you too!! Glad you got your power back. It must have been a warm morning for you!!


Colleen- I love your song!! Great words to a great tune! TFS, I can't wait to sing it while I'm making my bestie squares. Where did you find the new pattern? I haven't even found one yet.


Joanne- Sounds like you have a nice, relaxing weekend ahead of you. Congrats!!


LeaAnne- Have a wonderful time at the beach. Remember, NO SANDY BUTTS ALLOWED!!!


Vicki- Sounds like you had a nice, relaxing day!! Are you getting a lot of :crocheting in? I'd love to see what you're working on.


Mary- Miss you, but hope you're having a wonderful time with the fam!!


Stacy- I hope you feel better soon. At least you're getting it out of the way before your trip. When do you leave? I haven't been feeling well either. I had a fever earlier, and there's a canker sore on the back of my throat that's been killing me.


Scooby- How's your vacation going? Miss you and can't wait to hear about it!!


I didn't get a lot done today. I'd do a few things and then have to rest. I have no energy. The good news is DH is coming home Saturday. The bad news is I don't know if I'll get the house clean before he comes home. I have to work at the restaurant tomorrow, and DD has school, so I won't be home a whole lot.


I hope everyone has a restful sleep. Good night, Besties!!

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Good morning Besties!

Hope everyone has a wonderful day and that Shannon and Stacy are feeling better. Glad that you got your power back on Beth! And congrats to DS for taking 2 sec off the butterfully- that is awesome-ness! He must be sooo happy and you must be soooo proud! WTG on the team winning! (you said they never win----you know what they say----never say never!!!!)


Colleen- Hope you don't have to work too hard today- you either Shannon!


LeaAnne hope you are relaxing and taking it easy at the Cape- enjoy - and hoping the sun is shining brightly!


Vicki- enjoy the day!


Scooby- Can't wait to hear about the rest of your vacation and Mary, looking forward to hearing all about the craft fair.


Remember girls---take your vitamins-----:lol


Cya later!

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Hi everyone! I hope everyone us having a good morning.

Beth - Glad to hear you have your power back. At least the power came back before the real heat of the day. Congrats on the swim team winning and your son improving his time. Maybe now this will be a great winning streak.

Shannon and Stacy - I hope you both feel better soon. Stacy, you haven't been able to shake this for a while. I hope you are on the mend! And no, I wasn't readinng a crochet mystery. It was some research for my paper. I need to work on that today!

Leanne - Have a good weekend at the Cape!

Joanne and Mary - Good morning and hope you both have a great day!

I pllan on getting some laundry done today. It will be another day of the house to myself today, as dd is going to a friend's house to sleep over and hubby is at work.

I need to work on my paper today and get some laundry done. We leave for California next week and i don't have anything done yet! I don't have a packinng list done or any idea what clothes I am going to pack! I need to begin getting all that done. I can start all that tommorrow. Laundry and vacuum today.

Have a great day ladies and I will try to check in later!


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Hey all you Besties out there!!


I'm about to get ready for work, but I wanted to let you all know that I'm thinking of you!:manyheart I'll be back later tonight. Have a fun, safe holiday weekend. I hope it's a blast for everyone!!




Love you girls!!:ghug

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Good afternoon, Besties!


I am feeling a bit better today. My back- and head-aches are gone, thank goodness. Dh surprised me this morning with Starbucks and a croissant. :manyheart We are going to see John Fogarty at the Hollywood Bowl tonight, there is going to be a fireworks display afterward. :clap 4th of July is my favorite holiday. :firecrack

My youngest dd has been running around sans clothing all day. She is really into this potty-training thing. :D Unfortunately, she makes it to the side of the potty, instead of actually inside. Needless to say, the steam cleaner has gotten a workout.


Shannon- Hope works goes quickly for you tonight! How are you feeling today?


Vicki- enjoy your quiet day and good luck with your research. I'm sorry if you've mentioned this before but what is the topic of your paper?


Beth- Thank goodness your power is back on! Congrats to ds on winning the meet and taking 2 sec. from his time. :cheer


Colleen- Love your ditty! Congrats on finding a square. I'm glad you were recharged after your nap.


Joanne- Enjoy your low-key weekend!


Mary, Leanne, Scooby- Hope you are all enjoying your nice long weekends! :yay:yay







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Hi everyone!- Very quiet around here today, isn't it- I guess that is what a holiday weekend does- We had a touch of rain (again) today, but it didn't last long. The sun is shining and the temp is a very pleasant 80 degrees!


Did alot of nothing today (although I did dust and vaccuum)- I watched the Yankees win and read some more of Dead Men Don't Crochet- it was a very relaxing day.


Hope everyone is enjoying the holiday and that Colleen and Shannon didn't have to work too hard!

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My but we are quiet today. I guess that means that everyone is havinng a wonderful day with family and friends. I hope everyone is enjoying there time. My day was quiet, as I thought it would be. I did the laundry and vacummed, and that was it.

Stacy - My paper is about inclusion in the middle school setting. Basically, I want to find out what teachers need in order to make inclusion better for both teacher and students. I am hoping to be done by Christmas. Let's hope that works!

Have a great night everyone. See you all tomorrow!

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:hi everyone!


Where did the day go? :think Oh ya, I was at work. After work I got supper made and cleaned up, took DD out for a bicycle ride (she rides, I walk and push), went for my walk by myself, got DD bathed and off to bed early (it's soccer day tomorrow, we gotta be up and at 'em!), and then I :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting:crocheting...:c9. I am almost done DD's flower yoke top. I am kinda motivated because we are going to our friends' tomorrow evening and I'd like her to wear it. It is cool here, so it should be perfect over a t-shirt. I just have the finishing rows around the neck and arms left.


I am going to try to cath up on everyone here.


Vicky - Good luck getting your cleaning and laundry done so you can start thinking about that packing list!


Joanne - I'm glad you had a relaxing day. How are you enjoying Dead Men Don't Crochet? I'm having trouble getting into it. I'm not a real mystery reader. I do love the crochet talk though.


Stacy - I'm glad you are feeling a bit better. So sweet of DH to surprise you with a morning treat! Enjoy your John Fogarty concert!


Shannon - I hope work went well.


Beth - You've had lots of exciting weather there lately. Sounds like DS did great at the swim meet :clap. Enjoy your days at the pool.


LeaAnne - I hope you and the fam are having fun at the beach!


Scooby - I hope your vacation is going well.


Mary - :hi How is it going?


Well, it is closing in on the end of July 3rd, so that means it must be time to wish you all a very HAPPY 4th of JULY! :yay I hope you all enjoy your holiday with your friends and family :hug


Good night, besties.

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Good morning, and Happy 4th of July!


Joanne, thanks for the vitamin reminders. What a way to show you care!:hugI'm glad your Yankees won. My dh is a cub fan, which can be very depressing. I love the relaxing days like yesterday. Do you feel recharged?


Vicki, good luck packing for your trip. I hope you have a lot of fun.


Shannon, how was work?


Stacy, glad your aches are gone. Your dh sounds like a keeper bringing you :mug and breakfast. Your plans for the 4th sound like a lot of fun. Congrats to your dd for the potty training. At least she's trying!


Colleen, can't wait to see a pic of the dd's top. It sounds like you are doing a good job with it. Let us know if you get it done on time for today!


LeaAnne, Scooby, Mary, :hi

Yesterday I finished my dd's sweater, though I still need to wash it. She doesn't need it for a while. It just feels good to finish a project! We spent several hours at the pool. Today I just want to relax, get some housework caught up, and :crocheting The big excitement at my house is that Betty Crocker came out with gluten free mixes for cake, cookies, and brownies. My son and I can't eat gluten (found in wheat, rye, and barley) so we've had to buy our mixes from healthfood stores, or on-line, or make everything from scratch. It's good to have a slightly less expensive option close to home. So we had brownies yesterday that were quick and easy to make, and they tasted pretty good.

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Good morning everyone and Happy Independence Day- aka happy 4th of July! Well, Beth is up bright and early too, I see! That is so exciting for you that you can have a lower cost option as far as deserts go- I love brownies and now I feel like having one! I don't bake much since DH has diabetes- I did make some oatmeal cookies a few weeks ago using Splenda and they came out ok- I should probably do a look up for some recipes for diabetics----but, my fav thing to make is Toll House Choc chip cookies----yum! Beth- congrats on finishing DD's sweater- you must feel such a sense of accomplishment!


Enjoy the relaxing day and yes, I do feel recharged. It is really nice to do "nothing" for a change. I got a good nights sleep too!


Colleen- can't wait to see the top for DD- I've seen some of your work on other threads and you are very talented.


Vicki- hope you are getting excited for the upcoming trip and that you are getting some of your packing done


Stacy- oooh- coffee in bed----definitely a keeper-- How was the concert?


Hi to Mary, LeaAnne, Scooby and Shannon! Have a fantabulous 4th and remember, girls, take your vitamins:hug

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Good morning and Happy 4th of July again, Ladies!


It is 8:00 and I have me and DD dressed for soccer (DH is still getting ready), breakfast done, one load of laundry washed and on the clothesline. We are up and at 'em :cheer. Go lima green!


Beth - That is great finding gluten free cake mixes. My DD is allergic to peanuts, so I relate to being excited to find special products. I do most of my baking from scratch, but I do get brownie mixes (yummy!). I have the ingredients and a recipe for ginger snap cookies that I'll make either today or tomorrow. I have been craving them for weeks, but I have never made them. WTG on finishing your DD's sweater :cheer. I bet she loves it! Are we going to see a picture?


Everyone - Enjoy your special day! Keep your fingers crossed that I get the top done for tonight. It won't be washed, but it will be okay. I will definitely post pictures.

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Good morning all and Happy 4th of July! I hope everyone has a nice relaxing day.

Colleen - Go Lima Green! Have a great day at the soccer field!

Leanne - I hope you are having a great time at the Cape.

Stacy and Shannon - Are you two feeling better?

Mary - How was the craft show?

Beth and Joanne - Have a nice relaxing day!

It will continue to be quiet here. My computer is ready to bve picked up, so I need to go get that. Then I can finish downloading music on to the MP3 players. The desktop just doesn't do it right. Hubby is working and DD is still at a friend's house. I will go get her later. Until then, the place is, once again, mine. I have some towels going and I need to change the sheets. I really want to crochet some today. I am working on a wrap and my besties squares. I have 4 done! I will take the squares on the trip with me. DD has decided she wants squares like the ones I am doing and I have yarn in the colors that she wants, so I will use that for her.


Have a great day all and enjoy the relaxing day!



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Happy 4th of July Besties!!


Vicki- That's so nice that your daughter likes your squares so much. I can't wait to see mine!! I still haven't found a square. I guess I need to find one.


Colleen- Go Lima Green!! You've gotten so much done already today. I love days when I jump out of bed and get stuff done early, but that happens maybe once a year!!:lol I can't wait to see your top!! I have 7 flowers together!:yay It's taking me forever because I keep messing up. Like the other night, I finished a flower, and it had 7 petals instead of 6!:angry:angry


Joanne- Glad you enjoyed your relaxing. Have fun at the bbq!!


Beth- Can we see the sweater? What's your next project? :yay:cheer:yay for Betty Crocker!! She's such a nice lady to do that for you!!:lol


LeaAnne, Stacy, Mary, and Scooby- Have a fantastic holiday weekend!!!


Funny story--I got DD up for school, got us dressed, drove 40 minutes, and NO SCHOOL!! Thank goodness I had things to do in town that I could do with her. She hasn't been to school since last Wednesday, so I didn't know and didn't even think of the possibility. When we got to the parking lot I said, "Janna what's missing?" and she said, "No cars."

So, work was good last night. My childhood neighbors came in and I got to see all their babies, so that was nice. I hadn't seen them in years.

I don't know what we're doing today. I'll let you know later!! Have a great holiday, Besties!!!

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Vicky - I can see me having the house to myself like you do in about 5 years when DD is the same age as your DD. You are me 5 years from now :lol. (Just to make sure I don't offend you, I do not imply anything about your age or anything, just our DDs ages...I don't want to offend you) That is so cute that DD wants her own squares. I'd offer to make her one of mine too, but then I'd want to make a square for all of the kids and between Stacy and LeaAnne alone that would practically double the number of squares I need to make :rofl


Shannon - "No cars". Straight and to the point. I think the Dr. is right and she's a genius. Glad you enjoyed seeing your childhood neighbors at work.


Ginger snap cookies made and very yummy. I'll share the recipe another time if anyone is interested. I halved the recipe and still ended up give half of them to the neighbors who are packing up for a camping trip right now.


I finished the top :clap. DD won't wear it :cry. It looks so cute on her too. :cry Maybe she'll change her mind some day but for now I'm sure all you ladies will enjoy it :yes, so here's a pic!



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Colleen- it is stunning- I saw it posted before I saw it here- DD and her clothes issue-ness! I'm sure she will wear it one day! WTG on the gingerbread cookies and finishing the top! Busy, busy, busy- plus soccer this AM---BTW- how did Lima Green do?


Well, time to get ready for the b-b-que-


CYA all later-

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Thanks Joanne. I posted here for my besties first :)


My DD and her clothes issues-ness indeed. What am I to do with that girl, besides let her wear whatever she wants.


Lima-green did great. We don't keep score for the 4 year olds. They all had fun, everyone more or less participated, no one got hurt and they kept the "game" moving pretty well. So, that's great. It is cooler here and the wind was pretty chilly!

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Colleen- Absolutely gorgeous!! You did a wonderful job! I wish DD would wear it!! Tell her all your besties say Pleeeeeease!!

You sure have been busy today!! Yay for Lima Green and yay for no injuries!!:yay

DD has a way of seeing things that aren't there. When she gets crayons at a restaurant, she names all the colors she didn't get. "No yellow, no orange, no purple." It's pretty funny!


DD and all our parents will be here soon for a last-minute bbq. Good thing I'm feeling better today. My badorkas has been cleaning all day!! Hope everyone is having a blast today!!:manyheart

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Beth- that is gorgeous- Hopefully your DD will wear hers! Shannon- hope you had fun at your last minute b-b-que

Everyone else-hope you enjoyed the day and cya in the AM!

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Good morning everyone! Hope today will be a great, fantabulous day for all! DH and I are going to a minor league game today (the Staten Island Yankees versus the Lowell Spinners (which are the minor league affiliates of the NY Yankees and Boston Red Sox). It should be fun-and the weather is promising to be sunny and 80's!!!


Had fun at the bar-b-que and got home to a ton of fireworks going off in my neighborhood (and fireworks are illegal in NJ-for private use) So there was a fireworks show that I could watch from out my front door. Went on till about midnight-


Hope everyone had a happy healthy holiday- God Bless America! (and Canada too)


Remember to take your vitamins! :manyheart

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Beth - Your sweater is absolutely beautiful! I love the buttons you chose. I bet your dd loves it!


Joanne - It sounds like you had an exciting evening - a bbq and some fireworks! And have fun at the baseball game today!


Shannon - I hope your impromptu bbq was a success and that you had fun!


Stacy, Vicky, LeaAnne, Scooby, Mary - I hope you are having a wonderful weekend!


We went to our friend's house last night. It was fun to sit and chat and the kids had a great time playing. Today is a quiet day and I need to pick up around this messy house. I should start a show called This Messy House. :rofl Speaking of This Old House, my town was featured in this month's issue. One of the neighborhoods in my city was included in their top 8! Here's the link http://www.thisoldhouse.com/toh/photos/0,,20283021_20631435,00.html


Have a great day!

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