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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Hey everybody!! I just had to share that DD did wonderful at her check-up!!:yay:clap:yay:c9 The doctor could not believe her improvement. And she asked us if there are any geniuses (?) in our family. Of course, I said, "Just me!" and DH said he was going to say the same about him. The doctor just looked at us and said, "No really. Are there any geniuses in your family?" She's wondering where DD would be if she didn't have seizure activity. DD has to have another EEG done, which is not fun. Bu we'll get through it like we did last time. Thank you all for keeping my girl in your thoughts today.


I hope everyone is having a terrific day!! Happy July 1st!!:manyheart:ghug

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Oh, Colleen!! We were posting at the same time and you beat me!! Congrats on having the 1,000th post!!:yay

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That's great, Shannon! Yay, Janna! :clap:hug Good luck with the EEG.


Congrats, Colleen, on the 1000th post! My dd does sound just like yours- her mouth is always moving, even when she's sleeping. :lol And she loves to sing. Good luck with your Florida chicken- if you like it, please pass on the recipe. I :manyheart recipes.


Dh's aunt isn't coming over so I cleaned for nothing. Oh, well...hopefully it will stay this way so I can just :crocheting tonight.

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Hi again!


I had to share my DD's latest "out of the mouths of babes" quote. I was cutting up the Canada's Birthday Cake and I said to DD, "Did you know Canada is turning 142 today?" DD says "So does that mean Canada isn't as old as you, Mommy?" :laughroll:haha Oh that kid!


WTG Janna on a good check up and being a smarty-pants! Good luck at the EEG. We'll be keeping you in our thoughts again!


Stacy - I'll post the chicken recipe here later on. It was pretty good. I'd say it would more likely be called an orange ginger chicken, but it was called Baked Chicken Florida. :think That's nice that your house is cleaned for nothing. I hope you get to :crocheting.

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HI all,

Congrats Colleen on being the 1,000 post!! And yay for us!!! So you must be really old to your darling DD! That was so cute- what kids don't say! Hope you get to enjoy the fireworks and your Baked Florida chicken sounds yummy. I am baking chicken now- nothing fancy- just some herbs and garlic (gotta keep the sodium down for DH (and for me)


Stacy- Sounds like soccer would be great for your 4 year old! Lots of movement with soccer- Gymnastics is also good- my middle DD had sooo much energy and was constantly doing somersaults- jumping on furniture, etc- I put her in gymnastics and she did great- she stuck with it through HS- My youngest DD did soccer and softball and dance and when she got to HS she was a cheerleader and did dance. Oldest DD did dance (she was not into sports). It was kind of neat that they each had their niche where they excelled. Glad to hear that the 6 year old held her own with the next level! You must be so proud. And, just know you didn't clean for nothing----you get to enjoy the clean=ness!! And get to crochet


LeaAnne- Good luck to the Bulls tonight and to oldest DD on Sunday- Softball is so fun-And the fort-ness sounds like fun for the kids- Have they gotten to use the pool yet? We are scheduled for more rain tonight!


Great news about Janna, Shannon and good luck with the EEG!


Vicki and Beth- hope you had a fantabulous day


Mary- I forgot to wish you a Happy Canada Day this morning (and Darski too)


Well, off to check the chicken!

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Oh, I forgot- LeaAnne is doing a poll----I have a classic ipod (which I use at work) and andipod touch that DH had gotten me for Christmas. I also bought a refurbished ipod shuffle to use at the gym- I got it in the mail a few weeks ago, but haven't added any songs to it yet. Maybe my DH will do it for me????- probably not- so I'll add it to my to-do list for the long weekend!


So what was the prize for the 1,000 post????:lol:lol



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Hi everyone!!


Colleen- That DD of yours is so silly!! She says some funny stuff! I thought of her today while shopping. There was a lima green shirt with an alligator and a crawfish. It said Cajun Critters. That would be a cute name for her team if you guys lived down here, or had cajuns up there. Anyway, it made me smile!


Stacy- I saw the yarn you're using for your shell in person for the first time today! Gorgeous!! When do we get to see it???


Joanne- Enjoy your chicken--sounds yummy!!


Okay, I need some yarn help. What's the difference between Sport, Satin Sport, and Designer Sport? I want to make the tote in Crochet Today, but couldn't find just Sport. Also, do you think the tote would look okay in a variegated (sp?) yarn? I think that will be my next project!

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Hi Shannon- Sorry I don't think there is a difference between designer sport, sport or satin sport. They are all a finer yarn- #3- But, I'll defer to the more experienced crocheters among us. Are you thinking of the "sun and sand tote? I like it in a solid color, myself-ness.

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Isn't that yarn just gorgeous? :manyheart I will get a pic tonight- I just have to :remember. I haven't been feeling well for the past couple of hours- headache, tired, sore throat...maybe it has something to do with my ear. I called the dr. and they can't get me in until next week. :angry


As for the sport-weight...they are all just different brands. Designer sport is from RH, Satin Sport is from Bernat, and sport is just the general term for size 3 yarn. ;) The tote is gorgeous- good luck if you make it! I have been :think about that one...it seems a bit confusing to me. I've already made the fish in 3 different colors and I think the wrap is next on my list. This is such an awesome issue! :manyheart

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Hey Joanne- Thanks! It is the Sun and Sand Tote. I really like it in the color they used, and also think it would be best in a solid. But I didn't find a color I liked at Michael's. They don't have a big selection of Sport anymore. I might try what I got and post a pic and get opinions.


How was your chicken?

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Stacy- We were posting at the same time! Thank you, too, for the yarn lesson. This is a great issue! And that wrap is beautiful!


I hope you feel better soon. Hopefully you'll be all better before you have to go to the doctor.

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:hi, everyone!


:cheer:clap:woo:jumpyay:woo:clap:cheer over 1,000 posts!

:dance:elle:dance This is sooo exciting!


Hey, Vicki- How did the rest of your day go?


Shannon _ Glad Janna made out SO well at the Neuro! :cheer and the tote sounds really cool! I don't seem to have this issue of Crochet Today:blush ... Or maybe it's buried... IDK...it'll turn up if I'm meant to start something in there;)


Colleen - your chicken sounds yummy (as does Joanne's for that matter... I love chicken!) I hope that the birthday cake for Canada was extra Yummy-ness! :lolat DD... the things these kids come out with:rolleyes... too funny! And Congrats on being the 1,000th post-er! :yay:hug I was :lurking for most of the day... it was kind of like taking the last cookie, or the last yummy appetizer...I couldn't STAND the suspense! :rofl... then I was going to come and congratulate 'ya, but we were off to the dentist and the rest of our day-ness...


Joanne - I might be the "hip" one, but you are the "podiest" one!:lol:nworthy WOW! you have 3?! that is so cool! I had one of the originals, but DS broke it. so now I use one of my dd's:shrug At least it has some of my music on it :wink:lol

There was no All-Star game tonight... :rain:storm:rain:storm.... AW, CUMMON! Can't we send this stuff to Vicki and Shannon already?! :rofl


Stacy - I'd prefer to say that you cleaned so you could enjoy a nice relaxing evening of :crocheting... i hope it stayed nice for you, so that could happen, and that you are feeling much better soon! :hugAnd sorry about DH not being quite as excited about the trip... Your family is very excited to see you, and I am sure that they are going to keep you plenty busy. That's the hard part about your family living far away. I sure can get how you guys are feeling:hug:hug don't worry, it will all work out as it should... just remember to make sure your girls have some great memories to bring home, and it will be worth it!


A big :hi to Beth, Scooby, Mary, Darski and any :lurkers out there.... We love ya!

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So, I am here, :help in patterns! I don't know what to bring with me:think:eek


I don't have a lot of room in the car this time, so I need to pick a couple of things... maybe I'll bring a few patterns and my hooks then hit Joann's while i'm there:devil I can't remember the last time I actually BOUGHT yarn, and it IS vacation, right:? NAH... I'll figure it out... :scrachin I think...



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LeaAnne - You crack me up with your indecision about what yarn/patterns to bring. I would totally do that too. My suggestion is you line up a few patterns. Clothes your eyes or have your DKs blindfold you and just pick a couple. :devil So sorry to hear about the All Stars game :(. It has rained here all evening and we decided to take a pass on the fireworks. Too cloudy, too dark, too rainy, too tired little girl. But, people are letting them off from every direction around the neighborhood and it is NOISY!


Shannon - It appears you need to get a subscription to Crochet Today :hook.


Stacy - I hope you feel better soon. Take care of yourself!


Joanne - I hope your chicken was yummy.


:hi to Mary, Scooby, Beth, Vicky, everyone else who visits us :D


OK ladies, here is the recipe for the Baked Chicken Florida.


1 can (10.5 oz) chicken broth

1/2 cup orange juice

1/2 tsp minced fresh ginger root

1/4 tsp tarragon leaves, crushed

3 lbs chicken parts

1 Tbsp cornstarch

Orange wedges


Combine chicken broth, orange juice, ginger root and tarragon as a marinade. Poor marinade over chicken and refrigerate at least 2 hours. Drain chicken, reserve marinade. Put chicken in a shallow roasting pan with a bit of the marinade for moisture. Bake at 375 degrees F 50 minutes or until ready. Baste chicken frequently with marinade. Remove chicken and place on serving platter. Poor remaining marinade and pan drippings into saucepan, stir in cornstarch. Bring to a boil over medium heat, stirring occasionally. Cook 1 more minute. Spoon some of the sauce over chicken, pass remainder. Arrange orange wedges around chicken. Makes 6 servings.


This dish isn't overly orangey or gingery, which is nice with kids around. If you want it more orangey or gingery I would say put the orange slices is while baking to get that rind flavor in there and add a bit of ginger. I served it with rice and the sauce was good on the rice. I would actually prefer it if the sauce was bit thicker, so I might play with that. I almost want to add brown sugar or something (any ideas?). The chicken came out very tender. I probably only used 2 lbs of chicken, but there was plenty of sauce, so you could easily up the amt of chicken beyond 3 lbs for a bigger family.


Now, does anyone have any ideas for what I could do with the rest of the fresh ginger root? :D

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Good night everyone! See you in the AM


Colleen- how about ginger tea? Thanks for the chicken recipe.


My chicken came out good- I then cut it up and tossed it in a salad.


Sweet dreams everyone

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That chicken sounds wonderful! I will have to try it when we get home... MIL is not an "adventurous" eater:lol


I am down to a few projects to choose from, so I will see what jumps in the bag tomorrow... I found some cool sweater patterns that I'd like to try, and I have bookmarks for charity to do more of, and of course, my squares for my besties! All of my WIP's will just have to wait till I'm home :blush


:yawn... stick a fork in me... I'm done!


we'll see you all in the AM! I'll let you know what I "chose"


:ghug's to ALL!

...and sweet dreams! :night

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:yawn... stick a fork in me... I'm done!

You crack me up, Leanne! Enjoy your trip and good luck picking your projects. I am the same way on car trips, although usually I bring 2 or 3 things and end up doling out snacks and toys instead. :lol I'm sorry to hear the game was rained out. Will it be rescheduled? Have a safe trip!


Colleen- thanks for the chicken recipe. My kids love orange juice so they might actually try that one. Sorry you didn't make it to the fireworks. How was your birthday cake?


My living room did stay clean tonight- the youngest 2 ended up falling asleep on the couch and my oldest is playing a game on the computer. So- Yay!!! :clap I spoke with my dad tonight and told him I was slightly overwhelmed with the amount of stuff on our schedule. He told me to relax, make an itinerary of stuff WE want to do first, then add everyone else in where they fit. Sounds good to me. I know my mom is excited about seeing the girls (she isn't able to visit as much as my dad does) but she can be overwhelming sometimes. Does that make sense? :blush

Anyway I think I narrowed down my cold symptoms to sleeping with the a/c on for the first time this summer. :badidea It's pretty nice right now, so I think we will keep it off tonight.


Well besties, it is bedtime over here. See you all in the morning!!



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Good morning all and welcome to the last day of work before the holiday weekend for me! Stacy- glad you think that the problem was the AC and hope you are feeling better today. That was good that you spoke with your Dad and I agree you should list your priorities for the trip adn then see how it all fits in- this is not supposed to be stressful! (and I understand about your Mom being a little overwhelming) My Mom, when she was alive was the same way...my Dad was so much more laid back.


LeaAnne---have a fantabulous time at the Cape- and can't wait to hear what projects you have finally decided on! Hoping that the rain makes its way off the East Coast and that you have lots of sunshine!


Colleen- Happy day after Canada Day! Do you have some cake left over?


Mary- Can't wait to hear all about the craft fair and how the boobie pillows went over


Beth- have a good day at the swim club- (ooh- I am sooo jealous).....we of course have rain again in the forecast.....but the weekend is promising to be decent.....


Scooby and Vicki and Shannon- thinking about you too.....(hope I didn't forget anyone).....


I hope that you all have a wonderful day and remember, girls....take your vitamins!


Cya later......:ghug

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Happy misplaced Friday, Joanne! Hope you day is great-ness!


Stacy, So glad that the living room stayed picked up for you! And your dad sounds like he's the BESTEST! :c9


:morcoffeeMorning, all... I got up early to finish packing, and get the house spiffed up, and :yes it's :rain... AGAIN! The forecast doesn't look like beach weather, but thankfully, it's usually wrong for the Cape :xfin. Thank goodness we are going to MIL's house and not renting:eek THAT would be a bummer!


I guess I'll get the clothes done first (:clapNanny has a :wash and dryer there so I can pack light). then make my mind up on my :crocheting projects... I have my eye on the "Forest Flower pullover" sweater in the Interweave Crochet mag (...I must have gotten inspired by Colleen and Shannon's work!:lol). it uses WW yarn, too... which is mostly what I have on hand.


Well, I need to go finish my :mug, and get this lazy badorkus in gear so I don't get myself all stressy in a couple of hours....


I'll check back in a bit. :hug:hugto all!

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LeaAnne - Enjoy your trip, rain or not. Hopefully the weather turns around for you. But you know, some of my most fond summer holiday memories are of rainy days. Playing games, reading books, building card houses. :manyheart Have a great holiday no matter what--you deserve it!:hug


Stacy - Your Dad has great perspective and sage advice. Sounds like a good idea.


Joanne - Happy rearranged Friday to you!


:hi to everyone else! Happy Thursday. I've got some running around to do, some laundry to fold and put away and then I'm off to work.

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Good morning to my Besties!

It is bright and sunny here and no rain in the forecast. Leanne is trying to send it down, but it just wants to stay up there in the Northeast. Oh well. We can just wait for it to change its mind.

Shannon - Congrats on the neuro visit! I am glad to hear that everything went well. Jana must get her genius from you!

Leanne - Sorry to hear that the all star game was rained out. Hopefully it will get rescheduled for the girls. They deserve to play.

Stacy - Glad to hear that your 6 yr. old did well at the orange belt class. Have you asked your 4 yr.old what activity she wants to do? I know that sounds crazy, but see what she says.

Joanne - Go Delta Force! Hope you are having a great day at work!

I am going to do some reading and maybe go swim in the pool. I really don't have any other plans. I was supposed to go over a friend's house with DD, but those plans got canceled yesterday, so there is not much to do.

To answer Joanne's question, I have an MP3 player fropm a company called Creative. Love it!

Have a great day all. I will see you all later!


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Good morning Besties!!


I need a really good :kick in the badorkas today! I kept hitting snooze this morning, and I have so much to do before DD comes home. I think I'll use the timer trick again. That seems to keep me focused.

Today is my Gram's 87th birthday!!:yay:birthday (you can't beat these smilies. I had to use some for her)


I hope everyone has a wonderful day. I have a feeling mine won't be, but it's my own fault. I'm such a procrastinator!:(


You girls are my favorite and my best!!:manyheart

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Good morning, friends!


I woke up feeling like I was hit by a truck- headache, neck and back pain, and the ear ache is back. I took some Tylenol for now but I am thinking of busting out the amoxicillin if it doesn't get better.

Our water is off for plumbing repairs, and my 4 y/o dumped a bowl of fruity Cheerios and milk into my sink. That is going to smell after a while. :yuck Maybe I will stop at the store and get a gallon of water, just to wash the dishes.


Shannon- I'd give you a :kick but that would be kind of hyprocritical since my badorkus is dragging, too. :lol Happy Birthday to your Gram! :yay Do you all have anything planned for her?


Vicki- Have fun reading and swimming. Are you reading a crochet mystery too? I have asked my 4 y/o what she wants to do and she always says karate, "like Bella." She wants to do whatever her big sister does. :bheart


Leanne- Good luck getting everything done. I hope the weather turns around for you! :hug How is the Q going?


Well I better get my tush in gear and get dressed. There is a kids' club activity at our mall today so we are heading over there soon, then the girls will probably go swimming later.


Have a great day! :sun

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:hi, all!


Well... we are packing the car, and getting ready to head out!:clap


In case I don't get to check in this weekend, I hope you all have an AWESOME holiday weekend!


Hopefully, DH will let me use his laptop here and there while we are gone :xfin, but I'm not sure, as it is a "work issued" computer...


I will really miss all you guys and your adventures!


:ghug... See you soon!

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HI all

Happy Holiday Weekend (and to Mary and Colleen- you can celebrate too). Sorry I didn't get on again sooner to say have a great time to LeaAnne-but I'm sure she knows I wish only sunshine and fun- seriously- you have no idea how those of us on the East Coast have had enough of the rain!!! Weather forecast for NJ is for a great weekend weather wise- It would be awesome if they are right!!!!!


Shannon- happy birthday to your Grandma- Wow 87!!!! Awesome-ness!!! Did you get your badorkus in gear you procastinator?


Colleen- hope you had an easy time at work today- and that you are still enjoying your canada day birthday cake (I could go for a piece of cake right now, but alas, I am not up to baking and there is none in the house)


Stacy- hope you are feeling better- nothing worse than an earache (Ok, a toothache is pretty darn close). Hope you were able to enjoy the mall!


I stopped at the store on the way home from work to pick up some groceries so that is out of the way for the weekend! Planning on taking it easy- reading, crocheting- going to DD's for a b-b-que...keeping it kind of low key-- and only the basic cleaning will be done this weekend!


Ok, off to grab something to eat- DH is at his class so I think I'll just make a sandwich--after being at the grocery store, I'm starving!!!


Have a fantabulous evening!

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