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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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what's up, everyone?! :waving


Colleen, I am glad that DD had a good night last night. Enjoy your shopping trip!


Shannon, K, so like, are you gonna tell us, or what, GF? <twist, twist :wink> :lol


Vicki, WTG on getting your car washed!


I have done 3 loads of laundry, started some spaghetti sauce for supper, did a quick pick up, and took me a nice NAP! (it's cloudy here again, but it won't rain. Perfect weather to suck the life out of ya, pretty much) Did some PTO junk, and also found my project for the Charity CAL next weekend:



and I made a granny square... not sure what it's for :shrug, but it was nice to just chill out for a bit.:yes


Hope you're all having a great day...

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Alright, here I go....I apologize ahead of time. And please don't read this out loud if there are small children around.


OK, so I have a habit of putting "-ness" on the end of words, which adds to my "dork-ness" (see what I mean). Yesterday, my 17 yo sister asked me how sleeping in the trailer went. I told her that when I was falling asleep I kinda had to go to the bathroom but didn't feel like getting back up. By 3 am I was freezing, my nose was running and I had to pee. So I got up, went into the house, got a blanket and tissues, and took care of my pee-ness. I didn't realize what it would sound like until it was too late. I looked at my sister and she was looking at me like, "What did you just say to me???!!!" I almost had to pull over because I was crying I was laughing so hard!!


So yeah, I'm a dork. And I also learned that I have to watch what words I put -ness on the end of.

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Hee, hee! Glad you got a kick out of my "stupid-ness", LeaAnne!!


Hey ladies, I have a question for ya. My DD was supposed to be a pot of gold for Halloween last year. Unfortunately, she couldn't sit down in her "pot", and had to be Cat in the Hat instead. Does anyone know of a pattern for a witch's cauldron? I thought if I could crochet it, she'll be able to wear it this Halloween.


Hope you're having a wonderful-ness day everyone!!

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:rofl :rofl


I love your dork-ness story. That is so funny!


Your DD is sooooooo cute in her pot-o-gold costume! That is so cute! What a royal cutie-ness! I've never seen a crocheted witch's cauldren :think but good luck-ness with that!

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WTG on the NAP LeaAnne! I just got home from shopping to find DD up in her room having quiet time and DH on the couch asleep. He was all confused when I got home. He thought I was home from work and that he had forgotten to feed DD her supper :lol.

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OMG :lol:laughroll:rofl:haha:applause I really needed that laugh.

Iam going to have to call my DD and tell her that one.

Surgery is at 11.45am tomorrow and if everything goes alright i will be able to come home tomorrow night. Keep your fingers cross for me please. If i end up getting a bag then i will have to stay for approx. 5 days. Boy will i ever miss you guys.

Have a good weekend everyone:hug:manyheart:ghug

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Mary- Glad you enjoyed my kooky-ness!! I will be keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you!! You're in my prayers. Good luck and take care of yourself (or better yet, have someone else take care of you;)). Enjoy all your crochet time too!!:hug:manyheart:hug

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Sorry I missed my daily check in this morning- got up late and didn't have time to have my usual coffee with my friends. I had to go to the MD this AM and had the wound checked- everything looks good and only have steri-strips left on it. So glad that it is healing- still no bending- so the stuff under the bed will have to wait a little longer. Let me tell you, when you have to bend the proper way, which is by squatting, not bending your back over, you really feel muscles in your thighs that you didn't know existed.


Hope you all took your vitamins today!



Shannon- you made my day with that story -thanks for sharing--we all need a good laugh every now and then-ness! And I love your DD in her costume- and sorry I don't know of any cauldron crochet patterns.

Mary- Prayers are being said for you and I will be thinking of you tomorrow- We will all miss you here and can't wait to hear from you that all went well.


LeaAnne- Congrats on the softball game--That is so neat that you and DH coach the team- must be so much fun!I'm wondering how you are doing tonight as I am once again watching your Sox beat my Yankees- It's been 1-0 and we're in the bottom of the 5th (what's up with David Ortiz hitting a homer last night and again tonight when he hasn't been hitting worth squat the rest of the year???)


Colleen- Glad that DD let you get some sleep last night- and loved the story about DH thinking he missed feeding her tonight!!!


Well, it was another long day at work- and then I had a couple of errands to run after work and just got settled in, put the game on and had to check with my friends.


I am now turning off the yankees/sox and going to watch the Magic/Lakers game


Will we be doing another happy dance tonight, Shannon?


have a great night everyone

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Joanne- Our guys are looking pretty good so far. I know it's early, but I've got my dancing shoes on just in case.


LeaAnne- Hope you have a good game tonight!! What is the name of your team?

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Good morning- Well, no dancing shoes- Yanks lost and so did the Magic! Oh those free throw misses at the end of the game! (and of course DH was gloating) (And LeaAnne, I'm sure Red Sox Nation is bursting with glee!)Speaking of games, how did the softball game go last night?


Well, happy Friday to all- hoping for some sunshine today- it has been cloudy/rainy all week here and it is starting to get depressing-this is June after all, not April!


Off to take my vitamins and get ready for work!

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hi, all-


a quick good morning to you!


Mary - I am praying for you today, that all goes well:hug


Joanne - I don't know what to say about the Sox/Yankees series. sorry?


Colleen - hope DD had a good night.


:hi, Beth, Scooby, Vicki and Shell!


The name of the team that we coach is the Phillies. Last night was a big bummer. That's ok, though, we have another game on Monday, and could afford to lose 1... we are not giving up. Not us, not the girls! They are so cool, an really nice bunch of kids.

My 3rd DD is on a minor team: the Bulls. she plays tomorrow and Monday. I help with that team, too, unless the Phillies are playing. The Bulls coach is the mother of one of Krissy's friends, so when there are conflicts, she takes her for me.


Well... I better go get everyone up for school-ness :yuck. At least it's Friday, though! :yay:yay


I'll be back later :hug's to all of you!

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Happy Friday Everyone!


Go Phillies! Go Bulls! - Now there are a couple of teams I can get excited about cheering for :cheer. My DD's soccer team doesn't have a name but they are lime green (or, as DD calls it "lima green" :rofl). Go lima green! Oh ya, and it is game 7 of the Stanley Cup Finals tonight so I'll add in a go Penguins for good measure!


Mary - You are in my thoughts and prayers today. Take care and we'll "see" you when you are up and about again.


My laundry from yesterday is still on the clothesline because it got an extra rinse in the rain yesterday :P. I have the house tidy, beds made. It is a beautiful day here and we are expecting a nice weekend. DD and I are off to visit my mom today (I call this R&R, because DD and grandma play and I can just relax ....maybe I'll bring that ripple ;)).


DD had a good night. Still a little bit of coughing, but not enough to keep us up all night. Thanks for asking.


:hug everyone!

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hi, all-


I just got back from the school. Our incoming Kindergarteners got to come to school today. I was there to meet them all, and to address the parents about the PTO. OMG!!! they are Too Darned Cuuute! I really kinda miss those days :sigh It kinda freaked me out a little, when I saw a couple of kids come in, who I last remember as babies! :eek:( where does the time go?!


I hope you are all having a Happy Friday!


Colleen - enjoy your time at Mom's! and :cheer:cheerGO LIME GREEN!:cheer:cheer

See you all a little later on... gotta go get my stuff done, it's an early release day from school today at 12:30



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Boy, it's quiet here today. I hope everyone's having a nice relaxing Friday!! DD and I just got home. She had school, and then we went to lunch and shopping for "big girl panties"! I guess she'll use them one of these days. I'm trying to bribe her, we'll see if it works.;)

You will all be happy to know that I have not been a potty-mouth today. And I really didn't mean to be a bad influence on you girls. You better watch where you're putting your "-ness"es!!:lol

Anyone know where I can find the CrochetToday magazine? I haven't been able to find it, and I need it!! I did get some yarn for my next project though. It's so pretty!! And nice to pet!


Mary- Thinking of you today! :hug:manyheart

Colleen- Go Lima Green!!:cheer Have a good time at your mom's!


LeaAnne- Go Phillies!!:cheer Go Bulls!!:cheer Hope you got everything done that you wanted to get done!!


I'm going to rest on the couch now. I'd like to take a nap (bad :headache) but DD decided to fall asleep 10 minutes away from the house, so she's ready to play!!:grumpy


I hope my Clean Team is having a wonderful day!! Weekend!!:yay:yay

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Hi all

Well the sun finally came out this afternoon!


Colleen- hope you had a nice visit and go "lima green!"

LeaAnne- No need to be sorry about the Red Sox- and sorry to hear that the Bulls lost last night- But like you said Monday is another game.

Go Bulls, Go Phillies :(Go Phillies is a term I never thought would be uttered from my mouth)

Shannon- hope your headache went away-


everyone else- Hope you had a fantabulous Friday. Yay- its the weekend!

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Hi all. I hope your day Friday has been a good one. I have a headache and have had it all day. The only thing I can say is at least this is not a migraine. This one is a tension headache. Hovering right around the eyes and does not want to go away. Needless to say I have gotten nothing accomplished today. Well, no, that is not entirely true. I did the food shopping and put it all away, did lunch, made dinner and cleaned up from that. Now I am sitting watching the Yankee game. Maybe they can beat the Mets because they certainly can't beat those Red Sox!

Shannon - I loved your story! I was chuckling when I read it!

:hi to Colleen, Leann, and Stacy. Hope you all had a great day!

I will check in tomorrow. Have a great night all!

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Happy Friday night, everyone!


I am sorry to hear about your headaches, Vicki and Shannon... I hope you both get a good night's sleep:manyheart


Hi, Joanne! Hope you are having a great night watching the Yankees/Mets! hey, how's the new job? I hope it's "wicked good"!


:waving, Colleen, Beth, and hey... "ScoobyDoo, Where ARE YOU:?" :lol


Mary, I am praying that all went smoothly for you today:hug


We FINALLY got a peek at the :sun late this afternoon...:clap I hope it stays, but thre are ::storm:stormin the forecast for the next few days :sigh Bummer... I wish summer would hurry up already... it feels like early April, not mid-June! Tomorrow afternoon DS has super T-ball (which means that the coaches pitch), then the Bulls have their last regular season game tomorrow evening :cheer before playoffs for them next week. I am really beginning to wonder what I will do when the season is over for everyone :shrug... I guess I'll have to get back to cleaning my house-ness! :lol:rofl


Have a great night, all... I want go figure out what I want to :crocheting next :scrachin I have 4 end of year teacher gifts (plus one for my oldest DD's 7th grade Math teacher if I can squeeze it in, just cause she has been too good to my kid:)...) I have spoiled the teachers at the elementary school with :crocheting end of year gifts, and don't want to stop now!:wink


I'll let you know what I'm up to as soon as I figure it out:think


Have a great night, everyone! Hugs to all of you! :ghug

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Good evening friends!


DH let me take a nap when he got home, so I'm feeling much better.


Vicki- I hope your headache goes away soon. Must be a southern thing!;)


Joanne- I'm so sorry I jinxed the Magic last night! But they looked sooo good in the 1st quarter!! What happened?! I really don't like the Lakers!! I'm experiencing a lot of mad-ness towards them!!:angry:angry:angry


LeaAnne- I'm already ready for the cooler weather!! I hate the heat!! Can't wait to find out what you decide for your next project!


Mary- Hope everything went well and you're resting comfortably with your :hook and :yarn!!


Stacy- Hope you're having a blast on your trip! Miss you!


Beth and Scooby- Have a great weekend!!


BTW, if Scooby is Scooby, does that make us the meddling kids?!?!:lol


It seems as though our group has gotten smaller. If it's because of something that was said, I betcha it was me who said it!:devil Sorry, everyone!


I'll probably check in again later. I have to wash clothes for the luau we're going to tomorrow night! (aka my cousin's engagement party) See you ladies later!!

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Shannon- I think that everyone is just busy this time of year, not anything else- It is end of the school year and I know at least for me, every weekend there is some family function- tomorrow I'm heading to CT to my brother's house-my nephew earned his eagle scout and we are going to the Court of Honor. We'll be leaving around 10- it's a 2 hr drive from here so I'll be gone tomorrow.

Yankees/Mets are tied- good game.

Colleen- I see the Penguins are winning- hope they win!

LeaAnne- I am enjoying the game- (although I should be cleaning since Ill be gone tomorrow- but hey, Sunday is another day!


I'll check in when I'm having my coffee in the AM before I head out .....


Sweet dreams

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:rofl LeaAnne - I was just planning to write "Scooby dooby do, where are you?" tonight and I log on and what do I see? You beat me to it. That is so funny!


I had a strange day. Let's see, the laundry that got stuck on the clothesline in the rain yesterday had streaks of clothespin-ness all over it. Yes, it was my whites. :angry No worries, a bit of bleach and a re-wash and we're good. I found a 4-leaf clover today (seriously!). DD saw a spider web covered in sand and it made her gag and throw up :think (don't ask me, she's 4 and I've discovered that if there is one thing in life that cannot be explained sometimes it is a 4 yo).


2 loads of laundry, loaded/unloaded dishwasher, made supper, cleaned up kitchen - that's about all I did today cleaning-wise. I've got grapes to wash and cut into small bunches because it is our turn to bring snack to soccer tomorrow morning. Go lima green!--we don't even keep score :lol. I got 2 rows done on my ripple today :hook.


LeaAnne, I'd love to hear what you decide for your teacher gifts. Time is ticking and I still need to get mine put together. One week tonight and it will be summer vacation! No more preschool, no more swimming lessons :clap. Gee, I might just have to clean more :D.


Shannon - Good luck with the big girl pants. She'll get there. Different things work for every kid. My DD's currency is a party. She loves a party! So, we gave her a "potty party" when she succeeded. The first one was when she successfully made the jump to panties. I got her a pinata and a gift and we had pizza and everything. It was just us three, but she loved it. We had a second potty party when she could go through the night without diapers (about a year later).


Joanne - yes, Penguins are leading by Detroit just scored!


Beth, Mary, Scooby, Shell, Vicky - :hi


Hope everyone is having a great start to the weekend.

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