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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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I like that you went for a walk and then went on strike!! You go girl!!!


When we got to DD's today, her roomie was in the living room and everyone was just chatting and I pulled out the hook and yarn and started crocheting. After about 10 min she asked if i would mind if she sat next to me and watched. She said she knits, but would like to learn how to crochet. So I showed her how to do a chain and single crochet and double crochet. It was really fun- here I am - a pretty new crocheter showing someone else how to do it.

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Leanne, I read that as "whipping it out in public!" :rofl :rofl


yes, I suppose that would be liberating too:rofl... maybe not as relaxing, though :rofl


The first day was good. There were so many stories at the end of the day, it was hard to keep up.:D

How is Isabella doing? Did she have to change classes?

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Oldest DD hates her homeroom, and her schedule. She says it will be a long year. she can't sit with her friends (who are in none of her classes) until November. so it's not easy for her, but she will do fine.


2nd DD was petrified of starting Middle School. It dawned on her the night before school started that she really was going there. She does not have any of her friends in class either (which for her will end up being a very good thing). She has already made a couple of new friends (:whew). I think she is going to surprise us by how well she does.


3rd DD is my :angel. She :manyheart school. She was the only one to truly dress up on the first day. All business, that one!


and Pete? was excited for recess:lol. He had a better day than he thought he would. i think he is going to love 2nd grade:yay

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What grade is your oldest DD in LeaAnne? It is tough being without your friends, but I'm sure she'll do fine. Funny how school is where you go to learn, but kids only look at it as where you go to socialize. it is always such drama when their friends aren't in their classes and then voila- they find alot of new friends

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Also , you and Mary are the ones deemed to do the most cleaning on this CAL....at least according the Jersey girl here!!


But LeaAnne did have a good point- this was started during spring cleaning time and it is now fall cleaning time (which Colleen and DH already started):lol

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Jamie is in 8th. She is very popular (i am told). Her group is big, about 30 kids, boys and girls. All very nice (and I know all the parents;)). The kids she is in classes with this year are "the geeks" she said. She'll be fine, she'll just have to focus on her work in school, and socialize after and on weekends... WOW! what a concept:lol

Actually, it might work to her advantage to be removed from the "drama". I hear this is the year for it:blush

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:rofl I am one of the ones who does the most cleaning :rofl I don't think I clean as much as I should. Joanne, you've got the system down that I used to do when I worked full-time. The Saturday morning big clean. That is a good system. My problem is I have 3 of us home for 3 meals a day! (DH comes home for lunch) and that makes a lot of dishes. Then there is just the normal thing that comes with having a little one in the house.


I do admit we have the fall cleaning started. Feels good. There is nothing like a Canadian winter coming to get you going!

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Yanks losing 7-4 and it is pouring rain- I bet they call the game and they'll lose. that's a shame on this historic night with Derek Jeter.


My DH is sleeping too Colleen- in GA. I have gotten the best sleep since he's been gone- it is nice having the bed all to myself.


Maybe Donna Reed and all the shows in the 60's had the right idea- twin beds- get a better night's sleep----or maybe we just need to get a King size bed!

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