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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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It looks like it would be cozy with some fuzzy yarn. HL has a bamboo-spun that is to die for, but it's $5/ball so I'm sure it would be a fortune to make it completely from that. :think

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Stacy and Mary - DD wants one of these in the worst way! I need to print this and keep it so I have it should I ever have the time to do it. I am so far into other projects I don't know if Icould ever get to it! DD is doing very well in tae kwon do. She loves it and wants to go to the tournament in November. I would let her go. I think it would be a great experience for her.

Open house is going to start soon. I was able to work on my paper a little bit so now I feel like I am making progress again! I really wanted to crochet in my time before it started, but I made myself sit and do my paper.

Talk to you all tomorrow! Have a good night and football season starts tonight!


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Stacy- what is that ghan that you and Shannon are doing?


I went through my stash this afternoon- I think my RR is going to be in green's since I seem to have a lot of that. I had 9 skeins of frosty green fleck- RH SS and some other solid greens so I think I'll use that. Youngest DD's family room is done in green so it may be nice for her.


The snugglies are neat- DD has a fleece one- they would be so neat in crochet. Wonder how long it would take to make one?

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Joanne, I think it was on a CAL called Van Gogh's Closet, or something similar. You start out with two strands of yarn, then change one color after a certain number of rows, then change the other color after a certain amount of rows, and on, and on. But you only change one color at a time. I have seen some really pretty ones like that, and I made one for my oldest dd with blues and greens. I will post a pic of it so you can see what I mean.




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Thanks for all the kind words about the hat. I feel better about it now.


Stacy, I am :drooling over your RR! It is gorgeous!


Well, I am sick. DD stayed at Honey's again tonight. I've been resting and crocheting all day. I did the head and body for DD's ami bunny, but I can't figure out the ears. I'll try again later. I might be back later, but if not, have a great night everyone!:manyheart (I won't hug you since I'm sick!)

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I'm so sorry to hear that you're sick! :( That sucks. It's nice of Honey to keep her so you can rest.

Which pattern are you using for the bunny? I made the one on the LB website once and the ears confused me, too. I actually put them on upside down. :lol But I think it looked better that way.

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I'm doing the Best Bunny pattern from LB. I understand the pattern, I just can't see what I'm doing with the dark yarn. And when you're only working with 4 sc, it gets pretty squished.


Congrats on getting everything worked out with the school!:cheer:cheer:cheer

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Sorry to hear you are sick Shannon- rest up and drink plenty of fluids!!!


Stacy- that ghan is gorgeous- love the colors!!!


Well, I started the RR and I am already confused. I'm using pointed star round ripple by Crochet Dad- I think this is the one Colleen is doing.


Anyway, I finished row four and then it says: Row 4 forms the pattern so repeat this row as many times as you need to adding the extra DC's as they appear on each side of the points. What does it mean, add the extra DC's as they appear...?


Thanks for any help on this any of you round ripplers can give me!!


Have a good night.

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Joanne, you continue working in the pattern increasing each row. Dc in each dc, shell in the ch 2 at the point and skip the 2 dc at the base of each point. The points will increase by a dc as your afghan grows. Does that help?

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Hi Colleen- Yes that helps- one more question- you know how in row 4 it says to SK next 2DC, 1 DC into next DC, well as you keep increasing, do you still continue to SK 2DC each row, or do you increase the # of DC that you need to SK?

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Stacy - I am so happy to hear that your DD got into the school :yay Your RR is beautiful. I love the colours!


Shannon - I am so sorry to hear that you are sick. As I always say take 1 :yarn and 1 :hook and :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting. Oh ya, and drink lots of fluids and sleep LOTS! Poor you! Your hat is beautiful. You should feel great about it!


Joanne - I am happy to hear that you are enjoying your vacation and your time home alone. Good for you spending some time crocheting! What colours did you pick for your RR?


Mary - I'm glad to hear your toe is feeling better and that you are on a roll with getting your :crocheting done for the craft show! :clap


Beth - How is the frogging of that 4 strand going? That is one downfall of multi-strand projects, isn't it. They do not frog easily. I look forward to hearing how your snugglies go. They look warm!


LeaAnne - I miss you! I hope the first day of school went well for everyone, including you! :hug


Vicki - Good news that DD is enjoying Tae Kwon Do so much! I hope your open house went well!


:hi Jenn!


I am pleased with what I accomplished today. I had a busy evening at work and now I'm stitching away at my round ripple. :c9 I had quite a moment today. I was telling DH that I would like to make an afghan to go over the back of our new pew. He told me he doesn't like afghans and could I learn to quilt! :eek I said, I'm a crocheter and you don't like afghans? :eek:rofl My DD has told me she doesn't like to wear crochet, my DH doesn't like afghans. So, the lumberjack is off my WIM list and I think my winter hats and scarves charity and Project Linus just gained a lot of my efforts! :rofl

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