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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Good grief! Your idea sounds way harder than mine. You just write it out regular, then put numbers by each item. It's not hard, as long as you know where everything is in store.


Maybe you could draw a map of the store and fill it in that way. Look, I'm Shannon-izing your good idea, Colleen-ness!

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I was trying to sound like Tom Hanks. "There's no crying in baseball!" If you could hear me you probably would have gotten that. There's a lot to lose in typing.

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Ya, I probably wouldn't have gotten that anyway. I'm not a real movie line person. Unless of course it's a recent Barbie movie or a Cinderella. I know those ones off by heart. I'm pretty hip, I know.

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DD's not into Barbie, but she does have one of her movies. That Barbie is so talented. Such a great actress!


DD likes to quote the mayor in Horton Hears a Who. She says, "Okay Horton, fake name. Where are you?" And then I have to say what Horton says next. She's a trip!

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DD is really into Curious George right now. She walks around the house going "I smell pets. 17B you're going to be ewicted". It's so funny.


She sings all the songs from the Barbie movies. They aren't that bad. Some of them are a little light on the strong female character side of things, but the animation is pretty good. She knows all the songs by heart and, of course, I get the songs in my head so I'll sing them around the house. She corrects me. "No mommy, it goes like this..."

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:lol Too cute! We just watched Curious George the other day.


Our Barbie movie is the one where the girl is stuck in the mirror, and they have to save the music. I can't remember what it's called, but it's pretty good. Don't you love it when goofy songs get stuck in your head. Happens to me all the time.

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Shannon - The screen is clearing from my tears of laughter. I am having a total blast chatting with you, but I really should get some sleep. It's after 11:00 here and I'm 90-something. Can we call it a night and hopefully chat again tomorrow?

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:lol I wish. They never offer me one. And I act better than DD does in that store. How come she gets rewarded and not me?


DD is in love with Ni-hao, Kai-lan right now. Frankly, I'm getting a little tired of her. A commercial came on the other day telling us that Target sells Kai-lan stuff now. She watched the whole thing, then looked at me and said, "You wanna go Target?" I said, "Noooo, we're not going to Target." That's all she wants for her birthday. Kai-lan.

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Wow! You do know your Barbie movies. Thanks for clearing that up for me.


I will definitely be here to chat tomorrow. This has been fun. I've been laughing so much I feel like I've been drinking. Get your old self to bed and have sweet dreams! Love ya!

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That is so cute. Commercials really work, eh? There is the commercial on right now for a school supply store and they sing "It's the most wonderful time of the year" (for the parents). DD thinks it's hilarious. She also loves the Marineland commercial (that's an amusement park) and she stops whatever she's doing and runs to the TV for that one. :lol She wants to go on the "Sky Screamer", which she won't be big enough to go on for like 10 years. This is the kid who won't jump off the side of the pool. :lol

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There was one when DD was a baby. It was for a boat store, and it sang, "See Rodney, see Rusty, and little Brad too." She could be crying, eating, half asleep, and if she heard that song, she was up to watch it. I'm talking like 3 months to 2 years old. It was hilarious!!


Okay, for real. Go to bed, and I have stuff to do. I'll talk to you tomorrow.

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Good morning- Chatty Shannon and Colleen last night!


only 3 more days....then vacation time!!!!


Hope everyone has a great "Hump Day" and hope that Beth is starting to feel better!

How was bowling last night, Vicki? And did you see that the Yankees won again?

Stacy- did you have a better do over birthday? I sure hope so and I hope that those wildfires stay away from you!

Mary- you were one busy gal yesterday- take it easy today, ok....and maybe...just maybe...I'll come home and your square will be here!!! oh, the anticipation!!

LeaAnne- how is the early bedtime routine coming along and are the DK's getting their summer reading done? I remember the last week before school starts is always tough trying to get the kids back into a routine.

Jennifer-hope that you are starting to settle into a routine with school.


Well...better get my badorkus in gear in get ready for work! Remember your vitamins ladies and cya later for the chat!

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Happy Hump Day to all!


I am so tired from bowling last night! I bowled a 104, a 141, and a 153. Not too bad for someone who didn't bowl all summer! Yes, I am in a league with hubby. We have been in this league since we moved down here and we bowled together in NY. It's a night out (even though DD comes and she falls asleep on a chair) and it is fun. I pay for it on Wednesday, though!

Beth - Are you feeling better today? I hope so!

Joanne - I saw that the Yanks were winning when we left for the bowling alley, but I didn't check the scores this morning. Glad to hear that they won again. Burnett looked like his stuff was there. And I am glad to hear the squares didn't unravel!

Stacy - Your story is very funny! Nothing like a man hitting on you when you are cleaning!

Shannon, LeaAnne, Scooby, Jennifer, and Mary - Have a wonderful day!

Talk to you all later. I will try to be here for the chat!


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hey, gang!


how is everyone's hump day going? I hope that you are having a fantabulousness day!

My day is going quick, but good. I slept the best I have in FOREVER last night! Must have been all that chatting the other night:blush:lol


speaking of which, Colleen & Shannon (resident comics:lol) I laughed so much reading your chatty-chat-ness from last night! :rofl:oops, you girls are too much! I can't wait till tonight to chat with everyone! :excited


Vicki - those are some pretty good bowling scores you racked up last night! :cheer How are you holding up today?


Beth - I hope you are feeling better:hug


Mary - how is your shopping free day going? :crocheting:crocheting:crocheting? :devil


Joanne - Countin' Down, baby!:clap:yay:clap Bawstin (Boston spelled phonetically by a Woobin-ite!:lol) is just a few days away! Is DD getting excited?! Is DH coming with you?


Stacy - how are you all doing? How is the cleaning therapy working? I hope you are having a :U:U:U day!


:waving, Jenn! hope you are having a good week at school!


Scooby... I hope you are ok...



The "get up's" are getting better... 3 out of 4 are pretty close to where they need to be. It's the boy.... but then again, he's like his Momma. Not much of a morning person:lol

oh... and here's the status of :yuck"summer reading":yuck completed:

DD1 - 90%

DD2 - 40% (but committed to 2 - 3 hours a day, so she'll catch right up:whew)

DD3 & DS - Way over what was "required":jumpyay

DH and I are hoping that all summer reading will be completed by Friday night, so we can enjoy Labor Day weekend fully... I think it will be a close call, but I know they can do it!!!!

I gg (gotta go) for now... the pool needs my attention!


Hugs to all of you, and C U 2nite!:wink

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Shannon and Colleen- wow, you two are chatty Cathy's! Shannon, you are brave to stay up that late at your age! :lol


Vicki, good job at bowling! My dad was on a league for years. I remember going with him on Friday nights and falling asleep in the chair. :rofl


Yay, Joanne- 3 days left! You can do it! :cheer


Leanne- did you try to contact Scooby? I, too, pray for her all the time- I hope she is ok.


Beth, I hope you are feeling much better today!


Jenn and Mary- I hope you both are having a great day! :hug


Today is a lazy, indoors-with-the-a/c kind of day. The air quality is terrible because of the wildfires and they recommend that everyone stay indoors unless it is absolutely necessary to go out. Dh told me that yesterday it was raining ash where he works. We are also getting some humidity from the hurricane. Humidity + smoke + heat = hard to breathe. Yuck.

Yesterday was much better, thank you! I think the birthday do-over helped. Dh had met someone who knew a mobile mechanic, while waiting for the tow truck on Monday night. The mechanic came over yesterday and found that the problem is the electronic ignition (which has "supposedly" been replaced before) and it is $380. :eek Dh has been doing some research online and we can find the part for about $180 if we order it online, which I think we are going to do. He also thinks that he can fix it himself, which would save on labor. We also got his financial aid check in the mail yesterday and it will more than cover the repairs. :clap So all in all it wasn't as bad as we thought.

I just realized that I do need to walk to the store to get some bread and rice. Maybe I can leave the girls with our roommate so I don't have to take them out. I am also going to work on Shannon's prize :lol (maybe I'll just send her some depends and denture cream) and figure out what I can add to the squares packages. You all sent something "native" to your region and I just cannot think of anything like that around here. Too bad I ate all the taffy from Frankenmuth already. :rofl

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