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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Shannon - You are with us! Yay! Please don't mention frosting again :no:rofl By the way, I checked out the Boo purse, and it would be very cute as a pillow.


Vicki - Glad to hear DD liked her Tae Kwon Do!


Beth - My DD has a game she plays with her stuffed animals. It is called "Sun Girl" and she only plays it herself. I've tried, but no one else could possibly do everything just right :lol. From what I gather it involves swimming in her bed :shrug. Sometimes she ends up playing it in her birthday suit :rofl That is so neat that the twins had a special game together.


OK, so I'm trying to come up with alternatives to cookies and sweets to snack on (you see I would snack on these things all day :blush). So far I've come up with berries. :shrug I'm snacking on strawberries and blueberries. I think I'll need to add things to my list. The berries won't be very good or at all affordable in a couple weeks, although I do like other fruits.


Gotta go, I'm trying to pull together supper before church tonight!


See you later!

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:cheer :yayBeth, I got my square!!:yay:cheer Absolutely amazing! You are one talented lady! Thank you, thank you, thank you!! This is getting so exciting!


Colleen- Should I not mention you-know-what because you think I'm gross, or because it sounds so good??? I couldn't tell by your typing.


Vicki- We missed you last night! I won't be here next Friday. We'll get together sometime though. :yay for DD loving Tae Kwon Do.


We just got back from Wal-Mart. I got a lot of fruit to snack on, but I did give in to the pound cake. I picked that over the cheesecake though. And I thought I did really good, considering I'm starving!


I'll be back a little later. See ya!:manyheart

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:thairI keep getting interrupted when I try to answer!!!


Colleen, what are you looking for from your snacks? Is it Chewing, crunching, or just sweet?


Here are some suggestions;


Crunchy: popcorn, pretzels, crackers, chips, dry cereal, vegetable sticks, fresh fruit,


Chewy: dried fruit/fruit leather, granola bars


Sweet: yogurt, jello, fruit smoothies made with fat-free milk and frozen fruit.


And my favorite hint, which I need to follow better: keep water nearby with a straw. If you are sucking down water, you'll drink more of it, and you will feel more satisfied.


So wealthy woman, how are you going to spend all that laundry loot? Or are you planning on investing it?


I'm amazed by the games our kids invent! Obviously they are very intelligent and creative! Just like their mamas!!!


Vicki, I'm so glad your dd likes sparring. Did you get to watch? How was it? I'm glad you liked your square. :cheer I'm so excited that everyone is getting hers.


Shannon, I'm with Colleen -- let's not talk about frosting. You remember that my dd is taking cake decorating classes. Get what I have in my house? In ridiculously large quantities?


Hooray! You got your square too! I'm so excited!!!


Hello to Joanne, LeaAnne, Mary, Jennifer, Scooby, and Stacy! :hug

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Good morning all!

We had a fun day yesterday- we went to a really neat neighborhood yesterday- all indepenedent shops and even a Yarn store! Lots of antique shops,vintage clothing, thrift shops. We had a yummy Mexican meal and then back to the hotel to relax before the game. We went to the game- it was fun- but the Orioles lost. The night before they had won with 16 runs and I think that was probably the game to have been at. But everone had fun. Today we are heading to a farmers market- DD's found it online--they have breakfast there on sunday- and then we'll take it from there.


Hope everyone has a great Sunday!


I can relate about the sweets- I have diabetes in my family, (so far, I'm good) and DH has diabetes. There are lots of alternatives that are made with Splenda. I am an icecream/cookie addict, but have cut back alot. I'm here with you Colleen, Beth and Shannon!!!


Well, off to get a cup of coffee and start the day. Miss you all, can't wait to see my square from Beth!!!

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Good morning Besties!:morcoffee:ghug


I had some unsettling news: my oldest sister whom I adore has seperated from her husband. It's not surprising, but it is unsettling. They haven't been happy, but I thought my sister would stay for the benefit of her children and grandchildren. I think she will be a lot happier out of that relationship. They've been married since she was 19. That's 29 years!


Any way, I hope everyone has a great day. I'm going to get the coffee my ds made for me, bless his heart! and get moving!

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Beth- sorry to hear about your sister- but if she hasn't been happy, maybe this is for the best. I can understand how unsettling this must be for you- so here's a hug for you:hug


Everyone else- just waiting for the DD's to finish showering and then we are off- another hot sunny day in Baltimore- ( i can do without the humidity, although I'm glad for the sunshine)



I have been doing a square with cotton and think I'm going to just keep going with all different colors- the never ending square lapghan!

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good morning, girls-


Joanne - it sounds like you are having a very fun weekend:clap I am so happy! sorry the O's lost last night, but am glad you had fun at the game. Did you make any puchases at the yarn shop? Breakfast at the farmer's market sounds really neat... you'll have to tell us about that later.

have a wonderful day:hug


Beth - I am sorry to hear about your sister... although if she will be happier, I guess it's for the best? I will be praying for her to have some peace in her heart. Does she live near you? Extra :hug:hug your way today.


Colleen & Shannon (and Beth, too!) I am here to :cheer:cheer:cheer for you! You can do it! Changing habits is hard, but if you stick with it, you'll do well... I like the idea of healthier eating:yes.


:hi, Vicki & Jenn!


:waving, Stacy! Are you enjoying the hot weather in Michigan?

Mary... I hope you get some good pics of the Rockies, and that you are having a nice time.


Hi, Scooby... thinking about you, too.


Have a great day, all...:ghug

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Hi gang! Happy Sunday to everyone.

Joanne - Sounds like you are having a great weekend! Enjoy the farmers market and breakfast! Can't wait to hear how it was!

Beth - I'm sorry to hear about your sister. I hope all works out for the best. Give your sister time to find what she wants. She is in my thoughts through this difficult time.

Stacy - How is Michigan? I hope you are enjoying the time with family and friends!

Leanne, Shannon, Mary, Jennifer, and Scooby - Hope you all have a great day!

I can sympathize with the sugar thing. It is rampant on hubby's side of the family and he is diabetic here, so I watch what I make for him. I usually make a meat and a veggie for dinner. I buy him sugar free ice cream and I keep the sweets down. Although he doesn't usually eat the sweets I buy for DD and I. We love oreos!


Anyway, I hope everyone has a great day and I will talk to you all later. I need to fold laundry and maybe vacuum.





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Hello Besties!


Beth- I'm sorry to hear about your sister. I will be praying for her. :hugs for you and your sister.


Vicki- Is tomorrow your first day of school with the kids? If so, good luck on your first day back!!


Joanne- Your family vacation sounds glorious (except for the Orioles losing)! Have a great day with hubby and the girls today!!


LeaAnne- You haven't mentioned your bestie squares lately. Did you find a pattern you like?


Stacy, Mary, Colleen, Jennifer, Scooby-:hi and big :hugs for you all!


We went to Wal-Mart yesterday, and I was telling DD that, "we have to go really fast, so let's pick up the pace." She said, "And new toothbrush too?" :think I finally figured out that she thought I said, "So let's pick up toothpaste." :rofl It was so funny!!


I hope everyone has a great Sunday!! We're going swimming at Honey and BigBob's. And wishing my sister a wonderful first day of her senior year.:cry I'll be back later!

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:rofl Shannon at Janna saying "a new toothbrush too". She is so funny! Yes, I meant please don't mention the you-know-what, because then I would want some. You are not gross. See, I would take the you-know-what, spread it on the pound cake and eat it all.


Beth - I am very sorry to hear about your sister. It sounds to me like she tried her hardest. 29 years is an accomplishment for anyone, and even more so in a difficult situation. You and her will be in my thoughts and prayers. Thanks for the snack ideas. I will use them all, I'm sure. It is sweet and cookie-ish or cake-ish that I like best.


Vicki - Enjoy your day! I love oreos too. Yum!


Joanne - Enjoy your day in Baltimore. Sounds like fun! So, are making this cotton into one big huge square...is that what you meant by never ending? That would be nice. Multiple colours or just one?


LeaAnne - I hope you and your family are enjoying the pool. I filled DD's little pool up and we are about to go sit outside. It is SO hot here.


Stacy - I hope you are having a blast in MI and that you make it to HL!


Mary - I hope Jasper is fabulous! I bet it is beautiful this time of year, so green. How are those bears?


Scooby, Jennifer - :hi


I took DD to a park this morning, but we had to leave by 11:00 because it was getting way too hot for me to handle. Me and the heat-not good friends. I'm doing okay at my reducing sugar. Yesterday the only thing I had was dessert after supper (that is good for me). I haven't had any pop. Today I made apple turnovers with DD and I may have sampled those...or eaten several :blush Baby steps. I do not eat aspartame or artificial sweeteners because they bother my nervous system. My face goes numb if I eat aspartame, so diet colas and artificially sweetened desserts are off limits for me. I've heard Splenda might be okay for me, but I haven't tried it yet.


I am moving along on my chevron lace cardigan. Trying to decide if I will go cropped length and short sleeves :think I'll probably go waist length and either short or 3/4. It will be "transition" season wear. I am still not terribly excited about the yarn or colour and keep dreaming about how it would work up in TLC Cotton Plus...maybe in a dark gray like Beth's DD's cardigan :c9 My :hook, :yarn and lawnchair are calling me name and something just went crash upstairs in DD's room, so I better go!

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:hi Me Again!


I spent the entire afternoon :crocheting. :c9 And, I finished my Chevron Lace Cardigan. I decided to go a short waist length and just leave the little cap sleeve that happens naturally with this pattern. Since I wasn't crazy about the colour and yarn, I figured I'd keep it short and fun and maybe revisit the pattern with a longer body and sleeves with different yarn next time. I'm pleased with it, but this is what the peanut gallery had to say.


Me to DH: What do you think of my sweater?

DH: It's nice.


Later on....


DH: It will look nice for the first sitting of supper at the nursing home.

Me: :angry


Not too long after that while I'm out of the room, I overhear this conversation:


DD: Daddy, did you see the crazy sweatshirt that mommy crocheted.

DH: Yes I did.

DD: Don't you think it's kind of crazy?

DH: It's nice.

DD: I think it's kind of crazy. Who ever saw a sweatshirt with short sleeves?


This is what I live with! It's no wonder I crochet and eat cookies compuslively :rofl


So, I would appreciate your opinions. This is Simply Soft in Sage (I believe I earlier made the mistake of calling it Jade). Is this too nursing home-ish for me? Also, I've included a picture with my face so Shannon can see what I look like :wink By the way, great pattern. Thank you Stacy for suggesting it! :ty





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Colleen, I :manyheart it!!! It is beautiful! It's my very favorite color, and goes well with your coloring. You did an amazing job on it. Now I want to save that pattern for another project.... Don't you ladies know I already have a huge stack of works in progress or in mind? :rofl.

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So nice to see you, Colleen!:lol You look just like what I pictured, although I think your hair was a little longer in my head. Your cardigan is beautiful!! You did a great job! Does the button match the color of the cardigan? If so, how did you find a matching button? I loved the conversations in your house today, BTW!:heehee


We went to Honey's house today. My allergies are really acting up today, and it's making me :grumpy:grumpy:grumpy. I'm going to go to bed and read my new Crochet Today mag. My sis had offered to get the mag that has the Halloween purse in it, but she got Crochet Today instead of Crochet World. She tried, and if I get this issue in the mail I'll just give it to my MIL. I'll go get Crochet World while I'm in town on Wednesday.


LeaAnne- What yarn did you use for your flag square? I'm hoping to start it while on vacation.


I'm watching about Tropical Storm Claudette and wondering if we're going to hit a lot of rain on Wednesday. We may have to go another route. Bummer!


Have a wonderful night everyone! Love ya!:hug

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:morcoffee Good morning, Besties!


Shannon, be careful if you have to drive through a tropical storm!!! I'll have my :xfin that Claudette goes another way.


Colleen, what's your next project, now that you finished that gorgeous sweater? I don't like the taste of the artificial sweetners, even Splenda. I would rather go without. Your reactions sound pretty severe. The apple turnovers sound YUMMY!!! I have a very hard time when there's something baked here. It calls me until it's gone. I can stay away from the ice cream, most of the time.


Mary, how are the Rockies? Meet any more of the local wildlife?


Joanne, how is your family, and your vacation? How was the farmer's market?


LeaAnne, What time did the giggiling subside last night?


Vicki, how goes school preparations? Isn't your dh young to have diabetes? Do you have to prepare special meals for him, with the glycemic index?


Jennifer, how goes your school preparations?


Stacy, how is your family? How is Michigan?


Scooby Doo, how are you?


I hope you all have a wonderful day. I am going to wash sheets, catch up on my other laundry, weed the front flower bed, and hopefully get the yards mowed (the kids will do that part, and most of the laundry). I may need to find a hay mower pretty soon, if the weather doesn't cooperate!

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Good morning all...


Colleen- I love the cardi- and the color- and no it is not 1st sitting at the nursing home dinner looking at all! You are as I imagined! I laughed to myself about the conversation around your house. That's all I ever hear from DH- thats nice. It must be standard man talk. (Even when I know something is wonky, he'll say that's nice). Do you have blue agave up in Canada? It is a natural sweetener and is good for diabetics because it is low-glycemic. I hear there is another sweetener out- but can't think of the name of it right now.


Shannon- fingers crosses that Tropical storm Claudette doesn't interfere with your travel plans- those pesky storms are a real nuisance, as I'm sure you can attest to living in La. Good luck to sis on her first day of Sr year. Janna was too cute with her "and a toothbrush too". Out of the mouths of babes- gotta love it!


The farmers market yesterday was awesome- it was huge- lots of fresh veggies, breads, fruit, jams, pastries, people making all sorts of things, crafts, music. We spent quite a while there. We bought some fresh fruit, bread, cheese and applebutter and brought it back to the room. In the afternoon, we walked down Little Italy- and speaking of sweets, 2 DD's shared Tiramisu and me and DD shared mint chocolate chip gelatto -the portions were huge. The coffee was spectacular! We walked around that area and then over to Fells Point- hung out by the water for a while. We went to the movies last night- District 9- It was quite good- I'm not really a sci-fi fan, but DDs wanted to see it. The movie theatre was really neat- old with lots of character-not like the cookie-cutter mega=plexes!


LeaAnne- I didn't buy any yarn at the LYS store although I was tempted. Watching the $ carefully, but I did ooh- and ahhh over it! The Yankees lost last night- but so did the Red Sox- so we are still 7 1/2 games up. My DD isn't too happy about that, but like I told her the season 's not over yet!!! (but close to it for the Sox)


Well, today is DD's BIG 30!!! Oh, we also bought a small cheesecake and peach cobbler along with some cupcakes at the farmer's market for her "birthday cake" today. Think we are heading to the aquarium today- and espn zone for dinner- The agenda is totally up to the birthday girl.


Vicki- is today 1st day of school for you?


Beth- Glad that you are getting some time to sleep in since your DS is working in the afternoons!


Hi to Stacy and Mary- hope you are having a good time. Can't wait to hear all about the trip to the Rockies- and hope all is going well in MI for Stacy.


Jen- hope you had a great weekend and got lots of crocheting done on your friends gift.


Hi Scooby- wherever you are..


The never ending square is just one continuous square- I have lots of different colors of peaches and creme cotton yarn- some solid- some varigeted. went a little crazy in the beginning of the summer when it was on sale for 99 cents. I'm just going to do one skein at a time, no changing colors (less tails to weave in) and see where it takes me- this is probably something that middle DD would like.


Have a fantabulous Monday everyone!

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:hi everyone,


Shannon - the button is the same colour. I found it in my tin of buttons. You know how when you buy new clothes they come with a spare button? I put them all in a tin, plus any buttons I buy and then use them when I need them. Sorry about your allergies and I hope Claudette loses steam and doesn't interfere with your plans. We are leaving for vacation on the same day again. How strange is that?


Beth - I am helpless around baked good too. I didn't do so great yesterday with the turnovers (they were just Pillsbury), so I think I need to stop baking for a while. Get the sugar out of my system. It is going to be very hard. I got such a headache last night (migraine) and even though the weather is about to change I can't help think that my sugar eating causes headaches. My next project? Well, I'm still working on my sister's 'ghan, plus I have a couple other scrap 'ghans on the go for charity. And whatever else comes up! :hook How is your corner-to-corner going? I am so excited to see your square :hyper


Joanne - You weekend sounds fabulous! Happy Birthday to your DD! The neverending square sounds great!


I had intended to do a lot of errands today, including haircuts for DD and I, but with this headache I am not in the mood. So, I am doing laundry, tidying up around here, and getting started on the packing. We leave on Wed. for up north, visiting the SIL and family, fishing, beach, etc. I can pack clothes and swimming gear today. We won't need much else.

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Good morning!


Colleen- I noticed yesterday you said you hadn't had any pop. If I go a while without caffeine I get a bad headache. I've tried to give up Coke, but I can't function when I get such bad headaches. So I've cut myself back to one a day, and it works out fine. I keep all my spare buttons too, but I don't think I've ever used one.:P That is too weird that we are leaving on the same day again. Honestly, who leaves for vacation on a Wednesday??? Have a great trip and enjoy the beach!!


Joanne- What a wonderful vacation you are having!!! You must be on :c9 with your DDs! Watch out, I think you have an addiction....squares!! Please tell DD :birthday, and it's nice to have her in the "30" club!!


Beth- You have a lot to do today! Good thing you have wonderful kids to help you. Have a great day! BTW, I have the same weakness for baked anything!


So far I've emptied and filled the dishwasher, put a load in the dryer, cleaned out the fridge, and called the insurance company about DD's medicine. I still have a couple more calls to make, laundry to do, change sheets, pick up, pay water bill, get oil changed, and pack up DD. Busy day!


Have a splendid Monday, Besties!!

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Colleen, feel better soon. (I'm typing as quietly as I can, so I won't make your head hurt worse.)


Shannon, I'm tired just hearing your plans for the day. I hope you and Colleen have fun vacations on Wednesday!


I found my front plant bed under the weeds. My son started on the lawns, but the grass is high and wet, so he wants to wait for it to dry a little more. I'm on my 3rd load of laundry. I need to tidy the kitchen, then I'll be pretty happy about everything for today.


I drove my son to work today. I dropped him off, and came home. He called, and told me his schedule was changed, so I drove back, picked him up, and took him back home. I get to try again at 2. :thair Traffic is really messed up on base, too -- they had a boat race there this weekend, and closed off an access road, one of the gates, and several roads inside the fort.


Oh, the reason we weren't aware that his schedule changed was because they called the other lifeguard named David.


Hope your day is awesome!

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I've got 2 loads of laundry on the clothes line, 1 in the dryer, the house dusted, some clothes set out for packing, and I ran over to the Dr.'s office and got DD's anaphylaxis form signed for school :clap. I'm going to get out our bags and pack up the clothes now, that way that is done and leaves tomorrow for haircuts. I'm going to make up some spaghetti now for supper.


Shannon - I've had Coke withrawal before. I used to drink one every day by 10 am, but I cut back on that years ago. I drink coffee (milk only) and I have only one a day. Thanks for the suggestion :hug. We are leaving on Wed. because I'm working Mon. and Tues. and took just Thurs. off. That gives us a 5 day weekend.


Beth - Thanks for typing quietly, I appreciate it. :lol WTG finding the front plant bed! Too bad about DS's schedule. Do you live on base or just nearby?


DH just bought a big LCD flat screen TV :eek I will feel no guilt when buying yarn for at least a year :rofl


Have a GREAT day everyone!

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Hi all. I am finally able to log in and see how everyone is doing!

Colleen - The sweater is beautiful! My husband says the same thing. Everything is "nice". Drives me up the wall. Enjoy your trip this weekend!

Shannon - Be careful driving in the rain and have a great time!

Beth - Today was my first day back, but the kids don't come back until next Monday. This week we have a lot of professional development activities and I need to start getting some schedules done for the paras. My partner and I need to get a small presentation done for Wednesday, so I can begin to get that all done tomorrow.

Mary, Stacy, Leanne - Hope you all had a great day!

I will talk to you all later. Have a great night all!


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:hi, all!


Just wanted to check in quick... i think I get to go to bed at a reasonable hour for a change....


Colleen - I Love your sweater! You did a very nice job on it. I have that exact yarn that I wasn't sure what I was going to do with, Now I know! It is not nursing home-ish at all, it's really lovely:manyheart thanks for sharing a pic of you... now we know what you look like:)

:( sorry about your headaches from the no-sugar! Yikes! Maybe you should wean yourself off, instead of cold turkey so it won't hurt so bad.


Beth - the giggling the other night ended at... 2:30! I wanted to be :angry, but how could I? They were happy sounds:c9 I am still tired tho...


Shannon - the yarn I used was Caron Simply Soft. It's worsted weight, but not as stiff as the RHSS, so it made it a little easier to navigate the color changes.


Joanne - :birthday to DD! I am sorry I didn't wish it earlier... I am just not happy with those Sox :no... they always find a way to :thair me! I think the Yanks should make it... I am also hoping the Dodgers. It would be great for Joe Torre:cheer(we DO like him:D)


:hi & :hug:hug to Mary, Stacy, Vicki, Jenn and Scooby...


I'll catch up better with everyone tomorrow...


Sweet Dreams, all!

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Good morning!


LeaAnne and Vicki- I'll be in that Joe Torre fan club with you!!:yay


LeaAnne- Thank you for answering my question. I printed out your pattern for my trip, but I don't think I'll be able to do it without your help. I may start on the Halloween pillow during my vacation. I'm so excited to get started, but I still have bestie squares to work on.:manyheart


Vicki- Good luck on your presentation and getting geared up for the kids!!


Colleen- 3 :cheers for all the :yarn:yarn:yarn you'll be able to buy to equal the TV!! Are you ready for your trip?


Beth- How did the chores go yesterday? Did you have any problems getting DS BACK to work?


Stacy, Mary, and Joanne- I can't wait to hear about your trips! Be safe and I miss you!


Jennifer- You must be really busy! Hope things aren't too crazy! Miss you!


Hi out there, Scooby!! We can't wait for your return!:hug


Today I cleaned out the car, took out the trash, and washed out the trash can. And I fed DD. All before 8:30. Doesn't sound like much, but you should have seen my car!!:eek:eek Yikes!

I still have to get my oil changed, clean the bathrooms, pack, do laundry, and a lot of other stuff. I don't know how I'm going to get everything finished!! Wish me luck, I certainly need it!


Have a wonderful day Besties!!:ghug

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hi, girlies!


Colleen and Shannon - :clover for getting ready for your trip! I hope you both have great times on your vacations:clap:clap


Shannon - How was sis' last first day?


Vicki - hoping today was good for you at work.


Beth - :xfin that the afternoon taxi service is less stressful, and that they opened the access road back up.


Joanne - :clover for a safe and stress free ride home today:cheer


Stacy and Mary - I hope your vactions are :c9 for you!


Jenn - How's it going with you? 1 more week until back to school, right?


ScoobyDoo... WHERE ARE YOU????!!! We sure do miss you and hope that you are well :worried


There hasn't been much exciting happening around here... it's HOT! today is supposed to be 96 -98 degrees. There is an air quality warning up again today. Pete has his first scrimmage tonight :sweat... they seem awfully little to be playing in heat like this :shrug

Yesterday was cleaning, laundromat:yuck, and general "mom" duties before football practice.


I hope you all have a terrific day... I am off to get some much needed :crocheting time!



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