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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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Sounds like a nice weekend, except for pesky George! You are so blessed that your family is so close.


Janna's favorite thing to play....that's a tough one. She loves blocks and puzzles! And here lately she's been toting around 20-something stuffed animals from one room to another. She just goes from one thing to another, happy as a lark!

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When I read it I scooped Janna up (still in her pjs) and went out to the mailbox, but mine wasn't there. I was sad. I better get it tomorrow, so I don't have to wait til Monday!

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Janna loves the cartoon Ni-hao, Kai-lan. So lately she's been the little monkey, Hoho. And I've been the great aunt, Goo Nye Nye. It's so funny because she says my name with a Chinese accent! And she'll say, "You ready go night night, Goo Nye Nye?" I just laugh and laugh, and so does she!

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She named her babies Allie and Abby. I haven't even suggested naming the rest of them. I'm afraid I wouldn't be able to remember them. She probably would though.

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I hope so. Did Colleen send her one? I'm really worried about her. FosterMom hasn't been here in a long time either.

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I know, we haven't seen FosterMom since the prom... after that she said she was depressed and then she was gone:(


Scooby is on the list, so I would say yes, she got one.


Wow! School starts early there. we go back late. Most towns are the last week of August, but we start on September 10th.

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Yes! I can't believe it. I asked her tonight if she wanted me to drive her to her first day of school. She said she had to drive herself. I gave her a big hug and said sadly, "It's the last first day of school for you, K-12." She laughed at me. I am very sad about it though.

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:(that is sad for you, but happy for her. Where does the time go?


Speaking of which, it is after 1... and I have a gaggle of giggling girls down the hall here, who need me to put the lights out so they can take a hint and GO TO SLEEP! :lol As if I was a mean mother, right?

Anyway, I guess I need to say g'night! maybe we will be able to chat again before the weekend is over....


Sweet dreams, Shann-

Love ya! :hug:hug

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Sweet dreams to you too, my dear! I have thoroughly enjoyed our chat, as always. There's a reason why I call you a bestie!!

Good night!

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Good morning!!!


OMG- just read through all the posts- I can't wait to see Beth's square-I'm sure it came yesterday- NJ isn't that far from Va!


Hope everyone has a fantabulous weekend- off to get some coffee and have my vitamins......

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Joanne, your vacation sounds WONDERFUL!!!:c9 Tell your dd :birthday. I hope she has a good one. My children were all babies when I turned 30. Seems like forever ago.


LeaAnne, I'm so glad you like your square!:cheer It means a lot, since you are an experienced stitcher. Your family sounds like a group I'd like to be around! I love the camaraderie, where you have to go shush them at night! How wonderful!


Shannon, your baby sister is a senior! Wow! I'll bet it seems that time has flown by. Your dd reminds me of my dd. She never played with dolls, but collected beanie babies, and named every one of them. She and her twin had this hugely elaborate game that they played (for years!) involving all of them. I tried to play with her from time to time when her brothers were playing together, and leaving her alone, but I couldn't keep up with it!


Colleen, did you get your toast? Are you enjoying your quiet weekend? My IRL coffee shop group cancelled for today, and I think I will enjoy just staying home for a while (before I start the :drive routine.)


A big :hi to everyone. I'm not awake enough yet to name names, but I am thinking of each and every one of you!:hug and the kids want the :computer so I need to go!

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Happy Saturday!


The weekend is off to a good start. I enjoyed chatting last night :manyheart I made 2 cents doing laundry this morning :clap:lol. Now I'm brewing some iced tea and making no plans past the pouring it over ice :D


I had my toast last night, thanks for asking. Delish! I was a HUGE fan of peanut butter before my DD was diagnosed as allergic. We have a peanut/nut free house now, so I've gone without for 4 years. Anyway, I recently discovered Organic Soy Nut Butter (which is peanut free). It looks and tastes a lot like health food store peanut butter (the kind without the sugar), so I am very much enjoying being reacquainted with a new twist on an old favourite for me - toast with Soy Nut Butter and Raspberry Jame. Yum!


I'm going to need my besties support. I am going to try to cut back on my sugar intake (it is very bad and I think I may have mentioned before I have a history of diabetes in my family). Yesterday was not a good day for me. :blush So, I'm starting with fresh brewed iced tea to drink, no sugar :yes No pop, no cookies today. Wish me luck, cheer me on!


Have a wonderful day besties! :hug

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:hug thank you Beth, I will need your help! Yes, I figure the less-roundness-ness might end up be a bonus of the cutting back sweets. :yes So far I've done well today. :clap


Guess what!? I just found 10 more cents in the laundry--a big day! I might have to go shopping at this rate!

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Hello Besties!


Colleen- Don't you love it when the laundry pays you to wash it???:lol Too bad it doesn't pay enough. I'm going to join you and Beth with the "watch what I eat" plan. Everytime I get on my Wii (not very often), I've gained weight. And I guess I should've known I had a problem when I bought a can of frosting just so I could eat a can of frosting.:blush So count me in!! Less eating, more exercise for me!


Beth- That is so cute that the twins had their own Beanie Baby game! Do they still remember how to play? Yes, my baby sister is a senior! How did that happen? We're 13 years apart (it's just the two of us). And DD and my sis are 13 years apart!


Well, we're just sitting around waiting for the mail to get here. As soon as we finish lunch we're going to check. I hope there's a surprise in there for me!


Have a wonderful day everyone!!

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Hi all. Yes, I forgot about the chat last night. Slap my hand and tell me I am a bad girl. I am glad that everyone else had a good chat. I will try to remember next week!

Beth - The square is just beautiful! I love it! DD got the mail out of the box yesterday and she said "Mommy, I think another square came! Let me see!" Thank you.

Joanne - I hope your trip is going well!

Shannon - Enjoy going to Tennessee! Have fun on the girls road trip!

Happy Saturday to Mary, Colleen, Stacy, and Scooby. Have a great day!

I only manage to get the laundry done today. DD had tae kwon do this morning. She got all her gear and she sparred for the first time today. She loved it!

Anyway, that is about all from here. Have a great rest of the day and I will talk to you all later!


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