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Some good clean fun?! [Archive 1]

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They are both shes. Claire, the lab, does make me feel better. She'll be 5 in October. Pepper, the cocker, is 11. They're both really good dogs. DD can mess with them and they don't care. She always sits on Claire. And Pepper never liked kids until Janna.

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Who was it the other day who tried to get me to show a pic of it? I think it was Colleen. She was trying to help with my wonky-ness, but I think she was being sneaky too. She even said she would still act surprised when she got it! So funny!

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Darnit!!!! I had to try though, right, Mary?


Pepper knows that Janna is hers, that's why. I am glad you have Claire there to watch over you girls.

I have a shih-tzu who is the best watch dog I ever had!!! Her name is Daisy. she thinks she is a rotweiller:D

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That's cute! Pepper has the markings of a rottweiler. She used to think she was one. When I still lived at home she walked into my neighbor's garage and bit him! He thought it was funny that she was so brave. She used to be a little b****!! I censored myself, BTW!

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I am having so much fun, and hate to go, but it's after 1 am already!

I will have a lot of running to do before Dh's trip, so I better call it a night:(


thanks, you girls, for another fun night! I don't think I have ever chatted so much as I do with this gang! It makes my heart so happy!


I love you, girls! You are the best!


Mary, enjoy your movie, and your DS. It was so much fun that you were here... make sure you thank DS again:hug


Shannon- I hope you feel good tomorrow, and get a good night's sleep. Give Janna a hug, and give Claire and Pepper a pat on the head from me.

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Good night LeaAnne!!


I better go too. I think what I need most is rest!


Have a great day tomorrow ladies. It's been fun chatting with you!


Love you girls! Sweet dreams!

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Morning, ladies!

:rofl Leanne, trying to get the pattern from Shannon! You sneaky girl. :devil I had a good :heehee at Colleen's attempt, also.


Mary, 3-5 hours! :eek I am envious! Now wonder you bought 47 lbs of yarn! LoL You'd run out with my stash after 2 days, probably. :lol


Shannon, your dogs sound adorable! I love labs. We had a black lab when I lived at home. He got sick and my dad had to put him to sleep last year. He was such a lovable dog. Jorge's cousin also has a black lab and my kids love him.

The people we are moving in with have a boxer mix. He looks mean but he is so sweet and passive. The kids lay on him and he doesn't care. My 2 y/o (who is not afraid of the lab at all) is terrified of him. I think it is because he is at her eye level. :shrug


We are meeting our friends at the house today. I can't take much over there with all 3 girls in the car but maybe I can unpack and they can play in the yard for a little while. Mia really thinks that I put all of her stuff in the trash. :ohdear She is definitely not going to understand why we are leaving it all there, until we actually move in. Hopefully seeing her friends there will help. I also need to color my hair, and pick up the rest of the yarn for my cardi. I hope I can find the color- I bought it when Michael's had their yarn clearance. :eek



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Good morning!


It took me a while to read all those posts! I couldn't chat last night. We had a horrible thunder and lightening storm. I've never seen lightening like that. It didn't last too long, but the power flickered and we just left the computer off for the night.


I've got my laundry started for the day and the kitchen cleaned, beds made. DD has a cold :(, poor little thing. I'm going to drag her out to the store with me for some groceries. I promised she could get a treaty juice or something (a bribe). Maybe koolaid or something will do. Otherwise it is catch up day around here. I am hosting scrabble club in 3 days, so I need this place ship shape!


Shannon, we had a black and tan cocker spaniel when I was a teenager/young adult at home. He was the best friend I ever had. DD is allergic to dogs, so we can't have one. :(


Still waiting for Shannon to post that pic of her square so we can help with the wonkiness ;). :shrug


Have a great day all :hug

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