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Super Mario "Boo" Hat


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On a whim, I thought it would be neat to create a white hat made to look like a "Boo" (a ghost bad guy from the Super Mario video games). In the games, when you are facing a Boo, he hides his face as if he's embarrassed. However, when you turn your back, he attacks! In keeping with that vein, the hat is meant to be worn with the "shy" side on front. When you turn your back, your Boo shows his true self. :3


A self-made hat pattern with nothing more than single crochet stitches in a spiral. The details were done kind of freeform, so I don't even have a good visual pattern for reproducing it. :/ Still, the hat itself turned out all right, and I have ideas for future projects of the same nature. :)





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:lol Great Boo, Shuko! What a cute idea, and you have captured the Boo's likeness just wonderfully. :ghost Nice work! -I look forward to seeing your future projects!
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  • 1 month later...

Wow, that is so cute and creative! PLEASE wear this hat for Halloween if you don't have anything else planned in the costume department. Did you do anything special for Boo's tongue? Did you make it separately and attach it later, or crochet it as you went?

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