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hand pain

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Does anyone experience hand pain from crocheting too much? I have crocheted for 30 years and the last 5 years or so I have had pain in my hand in the joint below the thumb. The pain is always with me 24-7, and occasionally I can feel the joint snapping as I rotate my thumb. If I crochet non stop for hours it is worse. Not bad enough for me to put down my hook (like that'll happen!) but bad enough that I need to ice it or take Aleeve. Anyone else have this and what do you do?:think I have some compression gloves and that does provide some comfort but after a while they get hot.

Also I have developed "trigger finger" in my left ring finger because of the way I hold my thread and the piece I am working on. That's not painful, just weird because my finger will just become stiff and lock! My husband says my hands will look like a gnarly old tree someday! Any advice????

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Oh Nut I feel so sorry for you. I have had that develop in several of my fingers. As you know it is called "trigger thumb/finger" and unfortunately the only permanent correction is surgery. My doctor has given me cortisone injections in the base of the thumb or finger and they usually give relief for about a month but then the pain returned. The good news is, if you have it corrected surgically, it will most likely never recur. The surgery is quite easy. I get just a local anesthetic and the procedure takes about 10 minutes. You must exercise and stretch the finger/thumb afterward but in about 6 weeks it will be good as new! Good Luck!

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Yup - advice. I had something very similiar and my pain doc told me that it was some technical term that I don't remember. Basically the tendons that cross each other right there were inflamed and that a simple shot would cure it.


Since the rest of me hurts worse - I just went on without the shot.

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The pain at the joint of the thumb is generally called DeQuervain's. I had surgery for 3 trigger fingers on my right hand 14 years ago. Prior to that I had had quite a few cortisone shots in my fingers, but after a while nothing helped so I had the surgery. Afterwards, I went to a hand therapist for several months. I was out of work for 3 months. I couldn't crochet for a long time without pain. My therapist fitted a wide spongy cover on one of my hooks (G). However after a few minutes my hand still hurt so I did stop crocheting for a couple of years. I now crochet up a storm. I also take 100 mg of vitamin B6 per day. That helps reduce the pain/inflammation.

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A few years back I dislocated my right thumb, ever since then at odd moments my stupid thumb will just go numb for no reason. I'll be writing or crocheting and WHAM! no thumb! What I have to do is pull on my thumb to pop it, then let it dangle down by my side for a few minutes. It's something about circulation, or whatnot.


Silly thumb.....

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I have really bad hands! I had them worked on about 9 years ago, and was out of work for 9 months. They still hurt to this day! The only thing that I can say it take some breaks let your hands rest for a bit, then pick up and start again.

Right now the fair is coming up so I have been crochting a bunch. I have put my yard work somewhat on hold, so I can crocht. Right now I'm on crocheting break. Then back to crocheting in a bit.

Hand braces will help some too. And I will go and sit in the hot tub in a while that helps too.

One other thing that helps is working on different projects like using a bigger hook and then working with a smaller one.

Oh wait, if you can get someone to rub your hand with hand lotion, that helps too.

I also wear a Magnetic Bracelet on my really bad hand. I think it help.


Ok, I'm done talking now. Hope it helps some.

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Have you seen a doctor? There are lots of things besides surgery they can try; and one of my personal favorites is the hot wax bath. I have one at home and really find it soothing when my arthritis and fibromyalgia stiffen my hands. I had carple tunnel release on my right hand in 2000, then 3 months later had a cyst on the tendon below the same thumb removed. While he was in there, the surgeon split the tendon for me so I didn't develop trigger finger as he said that was usually what came along next after the type of cyst I had. He was sparing me a third operation which my wallet really appreciated.

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In August I had surgery for trigger finger on the left hand, ring finger. It is much, much better although I would not say it is totally free of pain. I believe my TF started developing when I crocheted a 28" doily for a gift in a short blitz of time (for me, at least, it was). That doily and the subsequent handwork I did cost me nearly two years of intense pain day and night. Even now I can't crochet too much at once or that hand swells right up. I strongly suggest you at least have the trigger finger surgery. It will be so much better than it is now!

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