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Patterns you wish were crocheted


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Do you ever come across a knitted pattern that you wish was available as a crochet pattern?


For instance, I just came across the Josephine Shawl:




In this instance, I think I could modify this to crochet by doing it in hdc and increasing at the right angle part for every row, instead of every other row, as for the knitted pattern. I think it would look awesome in a varigated yarn or stripes, like the example.


Other patterns aren't modified this easily...what are one's you've come across that you wish you could crochet? :crocheting

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There are so many that I would love to see converted to crochet but this one the most:



Maybe some day I will try to make some when I do not have so many things to do! (Does that ever happen? :lol)

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