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Some good clean fun?!

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Awww, poor little guy. I hope he feels better soon, and that you both get some rest tonight. I know it's hard to sleep with a sick baby.

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Doing ok. Been cleaning today. Then had to make an emergency run to Target before they closed to get tylenol and ibuprofen for Keith. Went to get him ready for bed, he felt warm and was complaining of being cold. He had a 102.4 fever and we're almost out of tylenol cause what we'd had was on that recall list awhile back and we forgot to get more. Going to be a long night keeping an eye on him.


Oh, no!!!! poor little chicken!:(:( does he do ok with fevers or does he spike on you?

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Awww, poor little guy. I hope he feels better soon, and that you both get some rest tonight. I know it's hard to sleep with a sick baby.


Oh, no!!!! poor little chicken!:(:( does he do ok with fevers or does he spike on you?


He gives no sign he's sick. He'll be playing like normal and running a 103 fever and you wouldn't know it to look at him. Drives us nuts cause it makes it hard to tell when he's sick.

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Well, at the risk of having a mustache drawn on me, I think I'm going to call it a night and go get some sleep.


I am so glad Mary called me and that we FINALLY got to chat with Shannon.


Thank you EVERYONE for the chat. You are the bestiest besties ever and my life is better for knowing you. :hug:manyheart

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I got her at 8. she came home, ate half a bagel, showered and was in bed at 8:20!:lol



And that's why chickens are not nocturnal!!:lol

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My body won't let me anymore. Another side effect of forty-something:lol


I hope it doesn't do that to me when I get older then... cause I enjoy being able to sleep til 11 or even 1, 2 or 3 in the afternoon on weekends when I can convince Doug to let me.

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I hope it doesn't do that to me when I get older then... cause I enjoy being able to sleep til 11 or even 1, 2 or 3 in the afternoon on weekends when I can convince Doug to let me.


Hold onto it for as long as you can, girl!:devil

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I may talk tough, but I was never one of "them". I was the one that was too scared to go to sleep first, but too scared to join in on torturing the ones that were asleep.

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so, Sarah - what's new? What have you been up to?


Shannon - you never did divulge the contents of that cabinet...


Not much. Just trying to finish presents for Keith's b-day and trying to teach him to clean his room (big battle there as he's got way too many toys so will take half of them out trying to decide what to play with). Not going to be able to finish the afghan but did get the pillow so and am 2/3 of the way done with the puppy and then I'm probably going to use up some scrap yarn and make a couple of little blankets for his stuffed animals cause he likes to pretend to put them down for "naps"

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I may talk tough, but I was never one of "them". I was the one that was too scared to go to sleep first, but too scared to join in on torturing the ones that were asleep.


LOL I cheated. I always took my grandpa's sleeping bag cause they were afraid of doing anything that would damage it so as long as I was tucked in the sleeping bag I was safe =0)

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