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Burning Pain, similiar to flu ; Pinkroses

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For years and years

I have had this burning , acy pain

Imigaine the worse flu you have ever had and that is what I feel.

Does anyone else have this pain

Is this part of Fribro pain


Thanks . hugs pinkroses

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Please go see a doctor and ask for their professional opinion. Then get a second or third medical opinion. Only they can tell you what is really wrong with you. I suffer from Fibro and so does my friend. Our symtoms are not always the same and can be very different from person to person. Your pain may not be fibro pain. I live in AZ and have also had valley fever. I t has very similar symptoms to having a really bad case of the flu. There are just too many things it could be so when it comes to your health leave it to the medical professional to diagnose. That doesn't mean they will always be right and they are not always the best at knowing what treatments are right for you but thta is for you to deside after you know what is the real cause of your problem.

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Go see a doctor, Pinkroses. There are so many illnesses that have the symptoms of the flu. You are better off getting the professional opinions of at least a couple of doctors to see what is up. Your health is the most important thing and you need to take care of yourself.

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You said you've had the pain for a long time. Please see a doctor as soon as you can. It sounds like neuropathy, nerve pain. There are many causes from pinched nerves to diabetes, and there a variety of treatments depending on the underlying cause.


I know the pain you are describing. I first got it on my thigh, near the pocket of my pants and it felt like a lighter was burning on my thigh; but I don't carry lighters or smoke. I tried to ignore it for a long time, which was not a good idea because it just kept feeling worse and worse. In my case it came from a back injury and will never go away, but it can be treated so it's rare to feel the fire-like burn anymore.

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Pinkroses, none of us here are qualified to diagnose this problem for you. Anybody who IS qualified would be unable to give an official medical diagnosis over the internet without seeing you in person.


There could be many different causes for the pain you are feeling. Without a lot more information (which really shouldn't be provided in this forum), we're not even going to be able to give you very useful suggestions for possibilities to investigate further.


As everyone else has said, please go seek advice from a medical professional.



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