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Does anyone live in Northern Vermont or New Hampshire or southern Quebec that could give me some good yarn stores? My city has Walmart and Zellars with their pitiful stashes, and there's one tiny little video/yarn/baby clothes store in Vermont that only sells Red Heart. I know in Burlington, there's a Joann's and a Michael's, but it's over 2 hours away. I'm desperate to buy some yarn, but not really online because I get hit with outrageous mailing charges. Please help me! :thair

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I'm in central NH, but I did find a few in upcountry NH. :) Not sure if they're too far for you but...


1. Busy Hands Yarn Shop

50 Seavy St.

North Conway, NH



2. Pearl's Yarn Shop

56 Mill St.

Littleton, NH



3. Woolie For Ewe

44 Main St.

Conway, NH



I'm not sure about VT..not familiar with the towns outside of Greensboro Bend...and only b/c that's where my grandfather's family immigrated to. Hope these help! BTW...what town in Quebec are you from? My pepere's family was from Bromptonville.:)

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Thank you, thank you, thank you!


We live in Sherbrooke, which isn't too far from Bromptonville. Pepere is cute. My daughter calls my in-laws Grandmere and Grandpere, which confuses my non-French speaking American relatives.

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oh wow! yeah...Sherbrooke and Bromptonville are really close! Pepere's family came to VT when he was 2...couldn't speak a word of English. His first English word was "chocolate" lol! As for memere and pepere...when I first learned to spell them, I was convinced it should be prounounced mee-mee-ree and pee-pee-ree.



Oh....I looked at a VT map....lol! In Craftsbury there's a shop...that's in Orleans Cty so it's waaaaay north! lol! But it is about an ahour and a half from you.


The Wool Shop

107 S. Craftsbury

Craftsbury, VT 05826


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If you go to www.woolworks.org there is a search engine for yarn shops. There are quite a few located in Vermont, check and see if any are near you. I believe you can also search Canada on woolworks. Good Luck!

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