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Cats and Yarn

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My oldest cat likes to sit on the afghan I'm working on. It's a round ripple, so I have to bump her off frequently to turn it. The younger two will eat my yarn. Twice I pulled up a dead end where Bill bit it off. Now I have to gently scoot them away when I'm crocheting. And I have to keep the project bags tightly closed or they'll crawl in them.

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i usually like to crochet either in bed or on my chair or when i'm at the computer....both my cats look at me like 'whats that mommy? can i play? ooh please please?' i'll toss them an old ratted skein or ball or something that i cant use and they'll look at me like 'but i want THAT yarn!' meaning the stuff i'm using for my projects....i have yarn all over my room, they never touch it when i'm not working with it, but if i'm working on it at that moment they have to play with it. it drives me nuts!

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I have tried giving them their own yarn, but they want the stuff that is moving. Booger, the old one, comes alive when she sees anything resembling string (ie. shoelaces, extension cords), Mouse never gets out of my lap, but she usually doesnt mess with the yarn unless it rubs across her ears or face. Titus and James Tucker, my boys, will kill themselves going for the yarn. I usually have to close them out of the room while I'm crocheting. JT will also swallow it or bite it in half if he gets hold of it.


The dogs, on the other hand, are good at getting tangled in my project when they are rolling around on the bed. Pagan, the littlest girl, and my shadow, has torn apart a skein a time or two when she was feeling neglected. We have a routine of going to my room to crochet and cuddle after she is walked in the mornings (since we are up so much earlier than everyone else). If I go to my desk first instead, when her patience runs out, she will bring me a ball of yarn and drop it at my feet as a reminder of what I am supposed to be doing (ie. cuddling with her on the bed)

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My cat Stripes only likes to play with yarn while I'm crocheting. What I hate is when she chews on it while sitting at my feet and I don't realize it until the soggy yarn section gets to my hand. Yuck! I had a thread a while back about my dog Padme playing tug-o-war with projects. We finally (mostly) resolved that by spritzing her with water every time she grabbbed something.

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I have both cats and dogs.:cat:cat:dog:dog:dog When they come to live with us, I tell them that Cazeaux pets do not go after yarn. The girls (1 cat, and 2-sometimes 3 dogs) understand. The boys are too goofy. My 100 lb dog gets the guiltiest look on his face :embar when I catch him in my stash. My grandcat, Louie just attacks it when it's moving through my hand on its way to hook or needles. :devil He also likes to bat at a knitting needle in motion.


It's a good thing I love them!

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I only have one cat, Salem, and he is constantly going after my yarn. Of course, he also has claws so when I'm working on a project, I often get a claw or 4 in my legs or arms. And right now he seems to be content to sit on my chest with his butt in my face as I try and type this... silly cat.

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