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Yea! I'm getting a Skip-Stitch blade!

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A month or so ago, I sent my folks an email with a link to the skip-stitch blade and suggesting it as a Christmas gift for me. My DH is not likely to buy something that he's going to have to send for... and after all, he figures, can't you buy everything at Costco?


I've been wanting the skip-stitch so I can crank out more blankets for the NICU babies. I figure I can get alot more done for next Christmas if I have one. It would certainly go alot faster than crocheting the entire ghan.


Well, my folks were over for dinner this weekend, and Dad just told me to go to the computer and order it - no need to wait till Christmas... then, he gave me more money to go get myself the rotary cutter, mat and ruler -- and it's not even a Christmas gift!


I'm so excited, I can hardly wait!

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Sorry about that! Here's the link to the website:




However, I bought the blade on the Project Linus website, as it is set up for credit card.


I always wanted the Edgerydoo, but to be honest, if I can just roll a rotary cutter over the fabric, rather than punching the holes, I'd be more inclined to use it. I am still thinking of getting some Edgerydoo templates, just so I don't have to worry about measuring if I am doing fleece squares.

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