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baby bootee pattern


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this is the first time i have put up a free pattern, i know its only bootees but its a start, hopefully get the hat to match next week or even week after, i have only checked it myself , so if there is any mistakes, sorry and can you let me know

shirley (shifio):clap









Sizes 0-3 months in brackets and 3 - 6 months

3.5 mm/D hook



30 grams of double knitting plus small amount of contrast

1 ounce of light worsted (3) plus small amount of contrast

Gauge/tension 10 dc x 11 rows to 2 inches / 5 cm

Uk terms

Using main yarn ch (23) 28

Row 1: 1dc into 2nd ch from hook, 1dc into each ch to end turn. (22) 27sts

Row 2: 1ch, 1dc into first 2 sts, * 5ch, miss 2 sts, 1dc into next 3 sts, repeat from * to end, turn.

Row 3: 1ch, 1dc into first 2 sts, miss a st, 5dc into 5ch sp, miss a st, 1dc into next st, * miss a st, 5dc into 5ch sp, miss a st, 1dc into next st, repeat from * to end, turn

Row 4: 6ch, (acts as 1st 1tr, 2ch,), miss a st, 1dc into next 3 st, * 5ch, miss 3sts, 1dc into next 3 st repeat from * to last 3 st, 2ch, 1dbltr in last st, turn

Row 5: 1ch, 1dc into dbltr, 2dc into 2ch sp, miss 1 st, 1dc into next st, miss 1 st, *5dc into next 5ch sp, miss 1 st, 1dc into next st, miss 1 st, repeat from * to last ch sp, 2dc into it and 1dc into 4th of beg 6ch, turn

Row 6: 1ch, 1dc into first 2 sts, 5ch, miss 3 sts, *1dc into next 3 sts, 5ch, miss 3 sts, repeat from * to last 2 sts, 1dc into each, turn

Row 7: 1ch, 1dc into first 2 sts, 5dc into 5ch sp, miss a st, 1dc into next st, *miss a st, 5dc into 5ch sp, miss a st, 1dc into next st, repeat from * to end, break yarn

((26) 32 sts)


Divide for foot as follows


Rejoin yarn to the (10th) 12th st from right edge

Row 1: 1ch, 1dc in each of next (8) 10sts turn

Row 2: 1ch, 1dc in each st to end turn

Repeat 2nd row (7) 8 more times, break yarn

Rejoin yarn to left side of work

Next Row: 1ch. 1dc in each of (9) 11sts, work (8) 9dc up side of foot (1 to each row of dc),

(8) 10dc across top, (8) 9dc down other side of foot, work 1dc in each remaining (9) 11 sts, turn ((42) 50sts)

Next Row: working into front loop only, leave back loop for picot row, 1ch, 1dc into each st, turn

Shape toe as follows:-


Row 1: 1ch, 1dc, dc2tog, 1dc in each of next (12) 15 sts, (dc2tog) twice, 1dc in each of next (4) 6 sts, (dc2tog) twice, 1dc in each st to last 3, dc2tog, 1dc into last st, ((36) 44 sts) turn

Row 2: 1ch, 1dc in each st to end turn

Repeat 2nd row (4) 5 more times

Next Row: 1ch, 1dc into next st, dc2tog, 1dc in each of next (10) 13 sts, (dc2tog) twice, 1dc in each of next (2) 4 sts, (dc2tog) twice, 1dc in each st to last 3, dc2tog, 1dc into last st. fasten off.

Picot rows


Join yarn to top of bootee using the under side of beginning chain,

1ch, 1dc into next st, (4ch, sl st back into 1st ch) picot, *1dc into next 4 sts, picot, repeat from to end

Rejoin yarn to front loops at the back edge of row 19 and work the same as picot row above

Sew down back of bootee and along the sole and sew in threads

Usa terms


Using main yarn ch (23) 28

Row 1: 1sc into 2nd ch from hook, 1 sc into each ch to end turn. (22) 27sts

Row 2: 1ch, 1sc into first 2 sts, * 5ch, miss 2 sts, 1sc into next 3 sts, repeat from * to end, turn.

Row 3: 1ch, 1 sc into first 2 sts, miss a st, 5sc into 5ch sp, miss a st, 1sc into next st, * miss a st, 5sc into 5ch sp, miss a st, 1sc into next st, repeat from * to end, turn

Row 4: 6ch, (acts as 1st 1dc, 2ch,), miss a st, 1sc into next 3 st, * 5ch, miss 3sts, 1sc into next 3 st repeat from * to last 3 st, 2ch, 1tr in last st, turn

Row 5: 1ch, 1sc into tr, 2sc into 2ch sp, miss 1 st, 1sc into next st, miss 1 st, *5sc into next 5ch sp, miss 1 st, 1sc into next st, miss 1 st, repeat from * to last ch sp, 2sc into it and 1sc into 4th of beg 6ch, turn

Row 6: 1ch, 1sc into first 2 sts, 5ch, miss 3 sts, *1sc into next 3 sts, 5ch, miss 3 sts, repeat from * to last 2 sts, 1 sc into each, turn

Row 7: 1ch, 1 sc into first 2 sts, 5sc into 5ch sp, miss a st, 1 sc into next st, *miss a st, 5sc into 5ch sp, miss a st, 1 sc into next st, repeat from * to end, break yarn

((26) 32 sts)


Divide for foot as follows


Rejoin yarn to the (10th) 12th st from right edge

Row 1: 1 ch, 1 sc in each of next (8) 10sts turn

Row 2: 1 ch, 1 sc in each st to end turn

Repeat 2nd row (7) 8 more times, break yarn

Rejoin yarn to left side of work

Next Row: 1ch. 1sc in each of (9) 11sts, work (8) 9 sc up side of foot (1 to each row of sc),

(8) 10sc across top, (8) 9sc down other side of foot, work 1sc in each remaining (9) 11 sts, turn ((42) 50sts)

Next Row: working into front loop only, leave back loop for picot row, 1ch, 1sc into each st, turn

Shape toe as follows:-


Row 1: 1ch, 1sc, sc2tog, 1sc in each of next (12) 15 sts, (sc2tog) twice, 1sc in each of next (4) 6 sts, (sc2tog) twice, 1sc in each st to last 3, sc2tog, 1sc into last st, ((36) 44 sts) turn

Row 2: 1ch, 1sc in each st to end turn

Repeat 2nd row (4) 5 more times

Next Row: 1ch, 1sc into next st, sc2tog, 1sc in each of next (10) 13 sts, (sc2tog) twice, 1sc in each of next (2) 4 sts, (sc2tog) twice, 1sc in each st to last 3, sc2tog, 1dc into last st. fasten off.

Picot rows


Join yarn to top of bootee using the under side of beginning chain,

1ch, 1sc into next st, (4ch, sl st back into 1st ch) picot, *1sc into next 4 sts, picot, repeat from to end

Rejoin yarn to front loops at the back edge of row 19 and work the same as picot row above

Sew down back of bootee and along the sole and sew in threads


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