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Thank you Aunt Bubbles!

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10/20/08 Retitled to express my gratitude to Aunt Bubbles for my fab new shawl! See it in the shawl thread in the show and tell forums.



I'm just kidding, of course, but drat that Aunt Bubbles! She gave us all lovely mohair yarn when she was in AZ last month, and I finally, after dithering for weeks on what to make with it, decided on an Eva's shawl for myself. I was 5 inches (!) from the end of the last row when I ran out of yarn! All because I was covetous and kept saying, "Oh, I can squeeze in another row, this yarn is so fine..." :badidea Yup, bad idea!!


Anyone else used their Aunt Bubbles yarn yet? Want to send me 2 feet of your skein? :lol



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I've been there too lol. Best advice I can give is to undo the last row and do it in a smaller stitch, like single crochet instead of double. Just make it last a bit longer and I bet it will still look just as good. :)

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Sheila, Dawn, you two are sweet, but I was only joking! Just had to share my amazing feat of stupidity with all of you. But do be careful when you do make something with this yarn--the mohair makes it hard to undo, so you don't want to have to rip anything out. Trust me on that one.


Thanks for the good advice, pryor208, I had already changed the border from 2 rows of dc/3 ch/dc to one row of sc/3 ch/sc, because I knew I was low on yarn, but I still fell short.


I only wish my friend A was still making her yearly trips to Turkey; I'd have had her pick another skein up for me. It makes such a soft and warm shawl!



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When I go back to Turkey I will pick you up some more :lol


I am so sorry about that - can we see a pic of what you made and don't be shy, borrow the yarn from someone else!!! Well you really can't borrow it can you :think


She can if we get to borrow the finished item.:devil I have been wanting to make this shawl myself for a very long time.

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The Sisterhood of the Traveling Shawl. I love it! I took Wednesday night off from working on it, because I was watching the presidential debate and figured that would get my dander up and I might wind up breaking the yarn while I was unraveling. But I am hoping to rip that row out, and then the previous one, and then put that one row of border on. It's a lovely shawl, especially done in fine yarns, but in anticipation of the winter and high heating bills, I wanted to make it in something snuggly, and Aunt Bubble's yarn was perfect. The pattern went really fast, although I did find the explanation of the pattern repeat confusing (and not the dc/tc English word usage part), but it really is simple once you realize what's going on. And cosy! And yes, when it's done, I'll definitely put a photo up. Patty

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