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Latest CPK Outfit


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This is the latest Cabbage Patch Outfit - a friend's little girl has already tried to claim it because it is "preeety" :lol. Her Mum has it put away for Christmas - couldn't say no when I saw her reaction :cheer.


This is the outfit from the front. It is called Joni




And from the rear - with the little hat.



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Oh that is so cute!!

where are you finding all these cute outfits at or you designing them?


These patterns all come from my LARGE :lol collection of doll books. I am HOPELESS unless I have a pattern to follow - really admire the people who can design their own clothes - and really admire those that share their patterns with the rest of us :clap .And yet I still manage to find some more that I want. I have Folders for Cabbage Patch :c9, Folder for Baby Dolls, Folder for Dora and I have lost track of the number of folders that I own with Barbie patterns in them.:lol:lol:lol

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