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Baby Hats

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I'm starting to make stuff for my baby-on-the-way. I started making a hat, and then realized it was going to be HUGE for a newborn, so I made a second. I was trying to figure out how big a head a toddler has, so when I was babysitting Sat. night, I took the big hat with me. I tried it on the 2yo (who is almost 3), and it was NOT going to fit, no matter how much I stretched it. I have decided to just make a bunch of hats in different sizes and colors, so then as my baby grows, I can just use the hats that fit. Is this crazy? lol I mean, one hat only takes a few hours to finish... And I'm also working on that green blanket that my sister started.... So I've have lots of projects.... But am I insane?



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First off, on the hats, I do the same. My son has 5 and isn't supposed to come til Dec:lol Never know how big baby will really be either so I figure its a safe bet. I also have crochet ADD and have to have 3-5 projects going at once and rotate :eek

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I think it's very wise to crochet hats in a bunch of sizes. This way, there will always be one that fits.


Congratulations for the baby on the way!



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