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Seeking Testers Sweater 2x and 3x


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** Well, all sizes were filled, but 2 people that signed up for it...haven't shown up since that day so we are looking for testers from size 2x and 3x for this sweater**


We need testers in sizes medium and 1x. Just go on over to Lullabies and Lace, register as a user, you will be approved, then sign the testing agreement. After you sign the agreement you will then be able to see the pattern announcements to sign up for the sweater. Then pm either Anna and I and let us know you came from Crochetville to test the sweater. :D We will be announcing a thread dress soon as well. So come on over and sign up to be a tester!


LadySnow- Lullabies and Lace admin

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I signed up... but I'm not getting my verification email :( I'd love to sign up to test the 2X one, sounds right up my alley!


EDIT: And of course, as soon as I crab about it, there it is! Apparently I'm the squeaky wheel, :lol Signed up!

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