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I'm curious about the swaps - I'm really pretty new at crochet. How do people feel about relative newbies joining swaps? Is there a "quality" level you should reach before joining?


They sound like so much fun, but to be honest, I wouldn't envy whoever wound up with my stuff! :lol



I agree with Patty. It's the :manyhearts that matters most not the quality. And with time, you will get better. We are all still learning at some thing or another. I just started with thread crochet and did my first felting just recently. I'm sure whatever you make for a swap will be fine. You do have to reach 40 post before you can join a swap so you have time to practice.

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I'm so glad that all of you are talking about this subject,beacause

when I joined the bookmarkswap I was so excited about it then

I stop and I thought "What if they don't like it, what if they think its

not good enough" at that moment, I almost got out of the swapp, and then I thought, maybe whoever got my bookmark would over look any small imperfections" I think I'm getting paranoid(sp?) Well after reading the responses

to magdiego(Mary) question, you don't know how good it has made me feel

and I think theres hope for me yet:manyheart

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Yep, the idea of the swaps originally was to try new things we haven't maybe done before. "Now I've got the excuse", so to speak. So jump in once you've got the 40 posts, there is always something going on and we're happy to have you!

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You only have 8 more posts to go. Go down to the Coffee Shop and answer the Q & A questions and you'll get your 8 in no time!

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