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My Dad wants me to teach him crocheting

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I just finished a shopping bag for my parents out of nylon cord I got from a textile mill - love free stuff!


Now my father wants me to teach him how to make more. His mother taught me when I was 12 and now I'm going to pass it on to him.

Yes, I am a daddy's girl. :hug

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My hubby is going to let me teach him to crochet, when he retires next year. I can't wait, but he's a lefty and I'm a righty....I hope we don't lock horns on this.

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I keep offering to teach my fella but he refuses. When my Mom visited for a week I took her to my wool stash in the garage to see if she wanted anything he asked her to take the lot being cheeky.

I am glad he wants to learn, good on him and good on you for teaching him. xxx

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My Dad would never learn to crochet. He thinks all tiny steel hooks are good for is to fix/straighten wires in computer plugs or fish floppy parts out of the floppy drive (before floppies went extinct and were replaced with USB sticks!)

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that's so cool! Only guy i've taught is my hubby, and only because we were at a married friends house and I was crocheting, and the other husband sat down and asked me to show him again, he knew how to once but needed a refresher... well once Sean caught on my dear Zach couldn't be out done, so he grabbed a hook and learned too... too bad it was basically a one time deal, but he does know how!


Have fun teaching your dad... maybe we'll meet him here some day! heheh... spread the addiction :yay

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