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HELP!!! PLEASE!!! Has anyone tried this?



I have a situation where I might need to cut some base rows off in order to fix a problem. Has anyone been able to cut off a base row and secure it? anyone?

Maybe I should list my whole problem


I am working on a pattern that is as follows. (If this gets too confusing to follow, skip down to next :) )

One row DC one row SC. Repeat. After that is done (For me 5' by 8') You do zig zags on it. Attach yarn with sc in second Dc on 6th row. ( I need to eliminate some rows before attaching the yarn) *Then you ch 1, sk sc row and sc in next dc on row above. * Rep *to*. *ch 1, sk sc row and sc in next dc row below*. Rep *to*. continue to end of row.


:) My problem is when doing the second zig zag row. Something wasn't lining up right and I finally found a missing sc between the first and second zig zag rows on the back drop. :( It is throwing the whole thing off! My thoughts were to move the first zig zag row up above this row, thus not having the zig zag row messed up. That would leave to many rows below. So I thought maybe I could take some of these rows off. The base. ??? The only other thing I can think off, is to undo two feet (that is 2' by 5') of work. :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek :eek


PLEASE!!! CAN ANYONE GIVE ME ANY OTHER IDEAS????!! I"M BEGGING YOU ON MY KNEES!!! (If you can catch me in chat that would be great)


:think Amber:think

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I'm putting the first zig zag row just above the row where the sc is missing. I will have 4 inches of blue instead of 2, but I'd much rather have that then undo 2' by 5' of work! (Sounds so simple when you have the answer doesn't it?) My main problem with doing this was that then I might have to add more to the sides. But I don't think I will.



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