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Round or Oval Rug Pattern


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Instructions for a Round or Oval Rug



Yarn: 6 or more strands of yarn – just make sure that it's the same type. That is, all wool, or all cotton, or all acrylic. If you’re using all wool and intend to felt the rug, use only 4 strands and crochet loosely. You might consider doing all DC for a felted rug.

Hook: A size to correspond with the thickness of your yarn strands. A Q for example works well with 6 strands of worsted weight.


Skills: Assumes you know how to crochet holding multiple strands together.


To Begin: Create a loop of your yarn strands and hold the yarn where it crosses itself to hold the loop in place. Put your hook through the middle of the loop. YO and pull the strands through the loop to create a SC. Work a number of stitches into that center ring. For example, work 10 SC. Connect first and last SC with a slip stitch. Pull the tail of the yarn to close the ring of SCs. You can also leave a small hole if you prefer your rug to have a small hole in the center.


Note: you may also use the technique of creating a chain of stitches, joining the chain to make a circle and then doing the SC over the chain.


Important: You need to know how many stitches you made into that center ring. That's how many you need to increase each subsequent round.


Subsequent rounds: Keep doing SC’s but increase the number of SC’s each round and place the increases in a regular manner. Let’s stay with our example of 10 SC in the first round.

Round 2 will have 20 SC – simple: 2 SC in each SC of the row below.

Round 3 will have 30 SC. The 30 SC have to be regularly placed on the 20 SC of Round 2. This is one increase pattern that will work: 2 SC in SC below, then 1 SC in SC below.

Round 4 has 40 SC. 2 SC in the SC below, then 1 SC in the next SC below and 1 SC in the next below.

After Round 1, I prefer to make my rounds in a spiral. You can also join rounds with a slip stitch, ch 1 and begin SC again.

Note: If you make a really large rug (20+ rounds) you shouldn’t increase as much. Maintaining the same increasing will make the edges of the rug a bit wavy.


OVAL Instructions


An oval is a circle cut in half with each half on the end of a rectangle. You will begin an oval rug by chaining as long as you want. Do not join the ends of the chain. Each end of the chain will be used to create a semi-circle. The length of the chain will become the rectangle. You will crochet SC’s down the sides without any increases. You will do the increases at the ends.


In the first stitch of your chain, you will begin making a semi-circle. Make as many SC as you want into the chain. For example, 5 SC Crochet SC’s down the side of the chain. In the last chain loop, begin another semi-circle. SC the same number you did into the first chain (5 SC). Then SC up the other side of the chain. Slip stitch.

Round 2: The example is for 5 SC, so make 2 SC in each of the 5 SC of the semi-circle. SC down one side but do not increase. In the second semi-circle, increase to 10 SC. Finish Round 1 by SC up the second side of the rectangle with no increases.


Subsequent rounds are the same as for the circular rug. Never increase on the straight sides. Increase each round by the beginning number of SC's in the semi-circles. In the example, 5 SC becomes 10 SC in round 2; 15 SC in round 3; 20 SC in round 4.

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Cool, thanks! I never thought about using that many strands - that would definitely be suitable for an outside rug. Thanks for putting it up.


It's a great bathroom rug because with really cheap acryllic and six strands, it's puffy and soft and very very washable.


I have actually used up to 12 strands mixing leftover thread with fingering weight and bulky weight. Kind of randomly let the colors develop and change.


I made a couple of them for my daughter in Taiwan for her apartment. She said the landlady wanted them so badly she finally got them a refrigerator for their apartment after telling them for months that she had no more. Yes, the rugs got swapped for cold food.

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