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Annie Potter's history of crochet?

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Does anyone besides me own A Living Mystery: The International Art & History of Crochet by Annie Potter? Amazon Link I bought it in their shop at Big Sandy, Texas several years ago. I've enjoyed this book in spite of the irritating lack of an editor, something it sorely needed before going to press. There are many full color pictures of luscious crochet projects, but since the scope of the book is on history, no patterns are included. Frankly, Mrs. Potter engages in a lot of speculation — not totally without basis — but still...


As you might expect, the history of crochet is bound up in the history of lace, so much of the book is devoted to lace making and its effect on European history. I never realized before reading this that something so ephemeral as lace was a big player in the progress of nations.


If any of you are history-minded you might enjoy this one, and it's not terribly expensive.

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I think I have this one. Not sure. Is this the one with the long Irish crochet gowns? Just beautiful.

I found it at a second hand store. I just enjoyed looking through the photos more then reading the history as I had read most of it before.

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Yes, she talks a lot about the Irish potato famine and how money earned with crochet literally saved families from starvation. The girls learned Irish Crochet at the convents and took the skills home with them where everyone worked on the dresses. Some of the pictures are pretty amazing.

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