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I'm so proud of myself!


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I'm still working on the purple and black thing (I don't know what it'll be yet lol) and I thought, you know, I don't know the stitches that well, so I was practicing last night. I started with smaller needles and some peaches and cream pink verrigated. I did four rows of ks and then started doing k1p1. I now know how to make the cool V looking stitch! I had no idea. I really shoudl get a better book LOL (no pictures!). Then I started experimenting. I remember seeing a blanket that I loved. It had a border around it, and I always wondered how they did it. Well, it occured to me that if I did like 4 ks and the rest purl (save the last four), then knit the next row, and continue the pattern, it might be that border. And guess what!? It was! (I'm sure you already knew lol, but I'm super excited about it!)

Is it just me, or was purling hard for anyone else at forst? For some reason I couldn't wrap my head around the way you yo to pull through. *rolls eyes* I eventually got it, but it was frustrating! I've only done the knit stitch, so it was wierd to switch!

Thanks for reading :0)


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I'm the same way.....I knew the knit st, but after a couple wash cloths, I got bored, so I tried the purl....I actually got it right the first time I tried. But I was SOOO excited and promptly made 2 washcloths in stockinette. :D Now I need to keep practicing. And maybe find something to make following a pattern.....

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Thanks! I was pretty proud of myself lol!!

I do still get that feeling too when I figure out something new! And everytime I finish a piece too. I'm so proud of myself when I see something that I did with my own hands.



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