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What I saw at Walmart

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Today I had to buy some buttons at Walmart. (ps...I finished a shirt and purse and will have pics in Show and Tell as soon as my husband comes home with the camera......)


Okay, back to Walmart...As I walked through the aisles where they had their fabric bolts, I saw bolts of crocheted thread. (If this makes any sense??) Now, I suppose somebody could go in there and buy a few yards, sew them together and have a poncho. It seems weird. Oh, and I have no idea how they would cut it so it wouldn't unravel, honestly I didn't look to closely at it as I had my baby who tries to pull everything she can reach into the cart.

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Bolts of crochet? I'm going to have to go to Walmart just to see this. Sounds very interesting.

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the other day. If I remember, it was trimming, to be used sort of like fringe, or bobble edging, etc., but it was crocheted edging. I didn't look closely, but assume it is somehow overstitched, to keep it from coming apart. I was curious about it, but was with someone else at the time who was in a mad rush, so didn't get a chance to look at it more closely.



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