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My 3 yr old made me a magic yarn ball

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I have not been able to find any of my yarn needles lately. It wouldn't have worried me much except the last time I had them was on the dining room table. I didn't think my DD could reach the middle of the table...but then again I didn't think she could reach the scissors I had left on the middle of the table either. She chopped up her pre-school registration form and my checkbook before Husband and I caught her.:blush


Well, I was working on an item for the kitchen swap last night and as the yarn was winding itself off the skein I saw something peeking out of the skein. It was a yarn needle! I dug around in the skein and discovered 3 more yarn needles and an aluminum G hook. At least DD stuck them in the skein and not anywhere else. :whew

I'll be a lot more careful with my crochet supplies from now on.:hook

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That is a cute but all true story!!! She was just trying to help!!! When my son was 2 he "helped" me by putting my car keys away. WEll, I never found them!!! UNTIL... some years later when we were moving from CA to Texas I found them in the bottom of one of my file cabinet drawers that we kept in the garage for old papers. I think small children have amnesia after they hid things!!! :hug

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:laughroll What a little helper you have! Kids do manage to do the craziest things! I'd ask if she saw you making a magic yarn ball, but she probably didn't need the inspiration, did she! Thanks for the smiles
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