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I want to try a felted purse pattern that has a flower motif attached by needle felting. The pattern calls for rovings to make the flower.


Is there somewhere other than ebay where I can get rovings? I don't need a lot -- just a hank to use for needle felting. I've seen some rovings auctioned on ebay, but I always get out-bid.


If someone could tell me where I could purchase some online, I would really appreciate it.


Thanks! Juli ~Craftimama~

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I buy all my roving from Mielke's Farm http://www.mielkesfarm.com/


The NZ Corriadale needle felts nicely and has lots of nice colors :cheer (Course, it's all I've tried so far hehe) But if you get natural color, you can dye it up to whatever color you want for your flowers. With koolaid or icing dyes, just be careful when you rinse it so it doesn't felt up in the sink :)

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