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Heirloom ^^


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I think that's how you spell heirloom...aw well.

Anyway, my beloved 3.25mm hook snapped the other day and I was gutted, but my Nan came to the rescuse with a bundle of her old hooks. She's not crochetted in years so thought I'd put them to better use, rather than just let them sit in a drawer. I was grateful enough for this, but along with the conventional hooks she also gave me her mothers hook, which is carved from bone. I'm so honoured to have been given it. It's nothing fancy; just a plain, simple carved hook, but the hooked end is really neatly cut and has a good sharp edge on it which is nice. I just love it...like I said, I'm so happy that she felt she could give it to me :manyheart

Does anyone else have a similar special something?

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I have my grandmother's thread crochet hooks and even a good many balls of her thread. She's been gone from us for 30 years now, but I cherish her hooks and thread. I keep telling myself, that I am going to make a doily in her loving memory....with her hooks and her thread.....if it isn't too delicate, after all these years. Every now and then, I take them out of my storage box, just to look at them and remember my dear grandmother.....and my mom.

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I November I was gifted with my Gram's old hooks. She hadn't used them in many years now, but I remember her using them and remember the little red vinal pencil case she had them in. She left us about a week or so later. I don't think I've used one of "my" hooks since getting hers. I'll treasure them always, just like you'll treasure yours.

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