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finally shunned by a knitter

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Oh, I'm not really hurt, i was being silly.


I have a lovely burnt orange and TV green afghan somewhere... My grandma made it for my mom when she was my age.

I have one my Grandmother made that is Red, Harvest Gold, and Avacodo Green. As a kid, I always thought of it as spaghetti colored.

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Paula I am so sorry that happened to you.


It didn't sound to me like she was trying to demean your craft though, it sounds more like she is a knitter who has no experience with Crochet. Just think of the ways you would try and explain Crochet to someone if you knew nothing about the craft they were doing.

It's hard not to rattle off about the craft we are passionate about sometimes.


I hope you did speak to the store owner, she should work harder at educating her employees.

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What doesn't help is when the USPS sells stamps named "Holiday Knits" that are of Christmas themes that looked like they were knitted. :knit




It is exposure like this that keeps crocheting out of the public's eyes to be recognized as its own form of fibre art. I have so many tell me that when I correct them that I am not knitting but crocheting that it doesn't really matter... that it is all the same thing really. That I am just taking yarn and a tool and making something with it. That knitting uses 2 tools and crochet 1 and that is basically the only difference.

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:cheerI do both so should I have a fight with myself as to which is better than which?


:thinkI have never, in my 50 squillion years (Nearly 60 squillion years) of Knitting & Crocheting, ever heard of such rivalry as there seems to be in the USA on this subject.


I have been crocheting clothing since the 70s but started off in the late 40s working with thread making little items.


My mum always knitted and sewed all of our clothing because we could not afford to buy ready made.


Then in the 50s there was more cheaper clothing available in the shops so knitting and crocheting became a relaxation.


Most girls back in the old days made items for their Glory Box and these were usually embroidered cloths with crocheted edges or fully crocheted doilies etc.

Knitting was usually used for clothing because, as others have said, it drapes and hangs better than Crochet and is generally less bulky.

It is also easier to knit designs with lots of colours because the stitches are smaller.


It is a fact of life that Crochet, by the very nature of how the stitches are formed, is alway much bulkier than knitting so there will always be some things that are just nicer knitted than crocheted and some yarns too.


Then again, Crochet is much faster to do than Knitting so it is better when you are making something that needs to be nice and warm and where bulk does not matter.


Everything can be knitted or crocheted, it is just nicer to be selective as to which method you use for which job.


:yesLets make a resolution for 2008 to let it go right over our heads when others do not "Get it"

There are more important things to worry about than whether every one on earth understands our passion for working with yarn.


:eekIf you go shopping, looking for discord, you are bound to find it so keep the smile on and dont let it get to you.

Then get some knitting needles and have a go at knitting, you may even enjoy it.


:hookRemember, the chain you do when you crochet, is exactly the same as a single knitted stitch.

:hookIf you cast on 1 stitch then knitted it, turned and purled it and kept doing that, you would have a chain.


Have fun, whether you knit or crochet or both.


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