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Rant: I can't do anything!

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I am so fustrated with myself. Every project I have started for Christmas has not turned out right at all. The shawl/ poncho did not come out right so then I had this bright idea to make them a purse... well that did go well either. I ended up frogging more than I did crocheting. Now we are having a Christmas Party at work and I don't have enough money to buy everyone something so now I am sitting searching the web for something quick and easy that I can make for 6 women out of ww yarn and have them done by Tuesday night.:eek

My problem is I am a procrastinator (sp?) I wait to the last minute and then I wind up all stressed and fustrated.Why do I keep doing this to myself?

I really wanted to make a purse for my girls because they will need something to keep thier gifts in after they unwrap them but nothing is coming together for me. It is hard finding patterns for ww yarn now a days. I am not into the fancy kinds that are avaliable now, wee, not yet anyway.


Thanks for listening ! Next year I will start early...like in January !

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I so feel for you. This is the first time in a few years that I haven't given any crocheted gifts. I just couldn't come up with any ideas and had very little money to spend, so I finally gave up and just bought everyone a box of candy instead. Most of them would probably enjoy that more than my crocheted scarves anyway (since we live in Florida). Then I had the idea to make a crocheted photo ornament for one of my friends who really likes my handmade gifts. Turns out it calls for a two-inch lucite ring, which I don't have. I couldn't think of anything to substitute for it, so that idea is out. Ah, well. What can you do? I'm just trying to keep my expectations realistic.

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last year I made everyone dish cloths I got my patterns from crochetpatterncentral.com and I have noticed that after each thing I have crocheted with a pattern I have been getting better but I still have my moments where I want to chuck it out the window. I know alot of free crochet pattern sites if you want me to send you links to them. yesterday I found one that has tons of links the best one yet.

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Don't give up, it'll happen. Do you have ww cotton? Dish clothes are always popular. I still get requests for the ones I did with the scrubber crocheted into them. I found some cute patterns on the web that were really simple, and got a package of 6 scrubbers at the dollar store. A good one is the scrub and wash from marlos crochet corner. I can easily make them and would still love to get one as a gift. Several people have told me they used them until they were completely worn out and that they loved them.


I got on a huge purse kick this year, and most people seemed to like the simple ones. Rectangle with a strap. Happy yellow house has a couple that are pretty and done with ww yarn. www.happyyellowhouse.com


Good luck, and don't get discouraged. Remember, the holidays and crochet are supposed to be fun!!

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Crocheting for my family, really doesn't leave too much time to crochet anything for my friends. So for my friends I will be making an assortment of cookies plus fudge!!:)

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I understand, I've been whipping up scarves for my family, using a big hook so they are fluffy and go fast.

I've been doing amigurumis for my friends, I think they like them better, LOL.

Let's see since you live in FL, I saw on the lionbrand free patterns section a patriotic waterbottle holder. I think they would whip up quick, too. And as long as the guage is the same, I would substitute WW for whatever they called for. Heh heh flipflops are always cute, but you'd need to buy the flops too...

Hmm... maybe a snowflake, if you did it with a bigger hook and WW would kae a big snowflake, and you could sew pins to the back and make pins for your girls...

Good luck.

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I know how you feel. I put pressure on myself at the last minute to make a ton of things for everyone then nearly nothing gets done and it's late.


Here's a nice lip balm holder that is made with WW. It's easy and quick. You just need to get a couple of key rings and some lip balm.




For your girls, make them this purse. It's also very easy and fast. It says to use WW and homespun held together. I've made about about 10 and all I use is one strand of WW. It's the perfect size and weight for little girls.





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I feel for you :( I know what it is like to have patterns not turn out like I hoped they would, and I am the queen of procrastination.


How about a dishcloth and a couple of matching pot holders. They should go pretty fast.


Since I read your post, it makes me think maybe I should keep some small items like this on hand so when a gift giving situation pops up, I will be prepared. I think crocheted coasters are nice too. A solid granny with a smaller hook would make a great coaster, and they take no time at all. You could whip out a set of four in no time.:hook

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Well I did it ! :cheerI went to crochetcentral yesterday and looked at the kitchen patterns until I found something I liked. I picked the Lfff dish detergent dress to make as gifts. I was able to complete all 6 last night, before I started I went to the store and picked up 6 dish detergent bottles that the dress would fit over and some cute gift bags. Then I came home and got started :crocheting. My original plan was to make a set with the dish detergent dress, 2 potholders and a dish cloth but I didn't have time to make all that 6 times. But I know what I am making next year !

We had our party today at work and everyone loved my gift. Several of the ladies said they weren't going to use it because they did not want to mess it up.I tried to tell them that I can always make them another one.


As far as my girls go, there are 2 purses that have been recommended that I am going to make for them. Boy, do I feel alot better, thanks everyone for all your input and advice.

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Thanks! I think that was my problem. I could not pick a pattern and just do it. The pattern I used is on Crochet Pattern Central, dish detergent dress, the pattern can be found here:


Quick and easy and I am making more now.:crocheting

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