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Foster Care Kids *Added: California Wildfires Kids in need too


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Hi! I know a lot of you do charities, as this is a very busy part of the forum! I wanted to let you know though, that I've been really enjoying doing my own charity work for foster care kids. I'm not through any other program, but simply did a search online for my local DHR (Department of Human Resources) office, found my county, e-mailed the director to see if he/she wanted blankets for the kids, and away I went! I heard back from mine very quickly, and I've given her a few blankets. My county is smaller than many, but they do get about 5 new kids into the system each month on average, and have 75 there now. For me, a goal of making 5 lapghan sized blankets each month is very doable, and I will likely make several more (like 10/month or so) so that the kids can choose which they want, and the kids who are already there (the 75 I mentioned before) can have one too if they need it. So basically, this is just a word of encouragement that anyone can do this, seriously! Even if you don't think you can do more than one each month, or one total, the child who is lucky enough to receive that blanket will be really touched by your love and care for them.


I have just found this website that, if you scroll down, lists each state and a (or several) websites that take you to the DHR/foster care kids website for that state. I don't have time to check them all, but the ones I did check looked good. Again, just click on something like "contact us" and write an e-mail, and I'm sure they'll get that e-mail to the right person. :)


Here's the website:



Again, you can do it!! :cheer (Well, only if you want to lol)




Recently, the My Stuff Bags group http://www.mystuffbags.org/ has added that they're going to be sending bags to kids in California from the wildfires who are in need. They're not foster care kids, but I'm sure they'll appreciate those bags if their toys have all been destroyed. Thanks for bringing it up!

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Victoria, Thanks for this idea! I am planning on adopting a child/sibling group out of our state's foster care system. We are going through the home study process now. Often times these children need so much and to know that you have made a lapghan that they will treasure forever because it brought them comfort during a hard time, is very rewarding in itself.


After I heard our SW say that they often times hand a child a garbage bag or a box to pack their things in, I have thought of starting to make tote bags and stuffed animals!


Thank you for doing this! It's certain you will show a little love to some hurting children who won't forget it because they will have something tangible that you made.

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That's a great idea about making bags for the kids to put their things in! There's a charity, and I can't find it right now, where they give the child a bag with a teddy bear, blanket, and maybe a few other little things like that, so that they have a bag that is theirs. Does anyone know what that website is called? I'm sure they'd have some great patterns for bags, either sewn or out of yarn, but I'm not sure. Anyway, great idea!


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That's a great idea about making bags for the kids to put their things in! There's a charity, and I can't find it right now, where they give the child a bag with a teddy bear, blanket, and maybe a few other little things like that, so that they have a bag that is theirs. Does anyone know what that website is called? I'm sure they'd have some great patterns for bags, either sewn or out of yarn, but I'm not sure. Anyway, great idea!



That charity is called My Stuff Bags Foundation.

Here is their home page:


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