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The 2 ponchos I just finished plus one my grandma made!


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My mom was going thru some things that she had packed away and came across 3 ponchos that my grandma had made for us when we were little. This poncho (that fits my 7 yr old) is about 35 - 40 years old! Needless to say, I'm afraid to wash it! My mom can't understand why I won't let her wear it to school (duh, it's means to much to chance it being stolen!) I asked my mom if she got my grandma's patterns when they cleaned out her house ~ and I found out that my grandma NEVER used a pattern!! Anyways, here is my grandmas poncho:




Since I was a MEANIE & wouldn't allow Brianna to wear this to school, I used this pattern:




I had to add a drawstring at the neck (since it was a little big on her)





Of course, my 4 yr old had to have one too ~ so I just finished this one (It was made from Cool Cover-ups to crochet by Leisure Arts):




And last but not least ~ my grandma had put a loop in the back of our ponchos to hand it on a hook at school - so I put them in both ponchos!




Sorry this post is so long! All images should be clickable.

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Those are very cute ponchos and the one your grandmother made is awesome I wish I could make that poncho. I have the Cool Cover Ups to Crochet book as well and the main two I want to make is the Hugs & Kisses and the Sea Shells. I didn't too much like the one on the front cover and when I did the one you did, it seemed to take me forever so I did one similiar from the Lion Brand website. It's for adults but I sized it down for my then 3 yr. old god daughter. I love the red, white, and blue you used for them, what yarn is that?

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Thanks Aelita ~ I wish I could make my grandma's poncho too! I'm gonna try to sit down & figure it out at some point. I also liked the same ones you did ~ but my four year old liked the granny one better. I always use Red Heart yarn. I like it & am afraid to try anything else! The granny one is a red/white/blue varigated but I cant find the label to give you the color name. They are both made out of WW yarn. I had to adapt the granny a little cuz it called for sport weight.


Those are very cute ponchos and the one your grandmother made is awesome I wish I could make that poncho. I have the Cool Cover Ups to Crochet book as well and the main two I want to make is the Hugs & Kisses and the Sea Shells. I didn't too much like the one on the front cover and when I did the one you did, it seemed to take me forever so I did one similiar from the Lion Brand website. It's for adults but I sized it down for my then 3 yr. old god daughter. I love the red, white, and blue you used for them, what yarn is that?
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