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The Crochet Classuoom

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This is a wonderful idea behind this new website. If you have questions about special crochet techniques, here's where you can get help straight from designers who specialize in those techniques:


Bead Crochet: Kathy White (our own katchkan) and Gail Dvoid


Crochet Tatted Lace: Ferosa Harold and Roger Lloyd


Crochet on a Roll: Bonnie Pierce and Ferosa Harold


Cro-Hook: Kim Guzman


Filet: Ferosa Harold and Roger Lloyd


Free Form Crochet: Bonnie Pierce


Irish Lace: Ferosa Harold


Tapestry Crochet: Carol Ventura


Tunisian Crochet: Kim Guzman

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This is a wonderful idea behind this new website. If you have questions about special crochet techniques, here's where you can get help straight from designers who specialize in those techniques.


I agree, Amy! I think it will turn out to be an amazing internet resource!


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