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Crochet in the round



OK here's the funny thing. When I crochet a granny square... join... chain... then dc (etc) around...my "seam" lines up or is straight. But when I crochet in the round...join...chain...then Dc (etc) around the "seam" goes in a diagonal. What am I doing wrong? Why the straight seem with one but diagonal with the other? I thought it might be because of the increases but when I work same # around I still get the diagonal. I know that joining creates this seam which is why I hate joining. I like spiral rounds better, which cannot be helped when doing hdc..dc..or others.

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2 answers to this question

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My round projects seem to do the same thing. I've mostly made bags/purses and the bottom never seems to line up right. However, when I'm working on the sides my connections are all in a line?!?


I can't wait to see if someone has the answer to this one. I'm very curious myself.:)

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It's the nature of the crochet beast.


When you crochet straight across and turn after each row, your even rows will line up with each other, and your odd rows with each other, but adjacent odd & even will be offset. It ends up straight in the end, because the offsets cancel each other out.


When you don't turn your work (as in rounds, usually) the stitches are always offset, they won't line up and your seam will drift diagonally.


Here is a website that tells you how to counteract that effect.


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