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crochet around a round plastic handle?


I just fininshed the 'need for tweed bag' from lionbrand.com but i didn't understand from the instructions provided, how I should crochet around the plastic handle:think


help me please:(

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My suggestion would be to crochet like 4 ch, make a ring, do about 7 sc in the ring and make a snake, does that make sense? Then test it to see if it is wide enough and make it long enough to go over the entire handle. But that is depending on if the handle design allows for that. Other than that I have no idea, sorry if I am of no help. I'm sure Darksi can help you out on this one, she is fabulous about giving advice on things.

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It is kind of awkward to describe, but you form the stitch around the handle itself, so the handle ends up inside the post of the stitches. You start with a ch 1

(I am reading from the pattern from Lion's site ...With smaller hook and 1 strand of A, ch 1, draw up a loop around one Handle, yarn over and draw through both loops on hook - sc made. Continue to sc around Handle to cover completely, sl st to first sc to join. Fasten off. Repeat on second Handle. Center a Handle on each side of Bag, with about 2/3 of Handle extending above top edge of Bag. Sew Handles to inside of Bag. Weave in ends.); words in bold type are copied from the pattern itself.


this loop will be on your hook, plus there will be a loop going completely around your handle, so it will look somewhat like a figure 8, with your hook through the top hole of the 8, and the handle will be going through the bottom hole of this figure 8. Otherwise, you form your sc normally.


You first have a slip knot on your hook. You wrap the yarn around the handle, then pull it through your slip knot, this attaches the handle to your stitch. This is the first ch 1 Lion mentions (see bold type section above). Your sc are then formed in a similar way, by bringing the yarn (wrapping it) around the handle first, then forming your stitch normally. I hope this makes sense. This is a cute pattern, I downloaded it myself.

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Join the yarn...kind of like you would if you are joining a new color...around the handle, ch 1. Put the hook under the handle and grab a loop and pull back under the handle. You should have 2 loops. Finish the sc. Continue like this until you have the number of stiches you need or the handle is covered. You can do this around anything...girls headbands, ponytail bands, flip-flops, you get the idea...I hope I did not confuse you more :think

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It is easy, don't give up. Once you get the hang of it it will work. I have found crocheting around the hoop works the best. Follow the instructions form Tygger or LittleJadeFrog and you will do fine.:hook

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