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I just had to break away from the same patterns

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So I usually make bags (mostly fabric, some crochet too), and I love doing it. My mom is having a 'open house' for me to sell my bags and her friend's jewlery later this year. I've been a busy bee trying to have lots and lots of bags, all shapes, sizes and colors to sell, sell, sell! But as I sat watching Ghost Hunters tonight, instead of sewing lining to a cute little chenille bag I made, my Caron 1-lb'er in a pretty light green called my name! I found the Baby Bubble-stitch afghan on CPC and off I went. It's coming on nicely, got quite a few rows done during my fav show. I've been wanting to scoop up that pounder for a while, (since AC had them for $2.79!!!) and make a baby 'ghan, and, I suppose this is the point of my story,: I feel soooo good prying myself away from the 'need to do' projects and doing just what I want to do. I'll kick myself later when that little chenille bag is not finished... but OH WELL! haha Just wanted to share my story. I guess im a "lots of projects at once" crocheter! :yarn (as I'm sure lots of you are!)

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Oh, yeah, I'm a lots of projects crocheter. It seems to me that taking a break from the bags can only help you be more productive and creative when you get back to them. At least, that would be my excuse! :lol


Linda Y

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I used to be a one project crocheter, however, I now get bored with staring at one project at a time, especially with big projects like afghans. Hope you get all the bags done. Your doing what would be impossible for me to do. I just couldn't sell my work, I don't want to feel like my stuff isn't worth what I would imagine it to be. However, that is just my opinion, I would rather give my work to friends and family as gifts than sell things.

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It's okay to break away from the "Need To Do" projects and just do something for the joy of it once in a while. Perhaps to spice things up, you could do a few other projects to sell instead of just bags.


Hugs and Cookies

Auntie K

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Even though I do it, and am doing it now, I like to finish what I'm doing, so sometimes I have NO desire to go back to a WIP. I have little self-discipline! :blush

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Sometimes it is just what your brain need...a break from the same kind of projects. That is always why I have so many going on at the same time. Breaks it up a bit. A good deal on the yarn too!

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Alright...a fellow "Ghost Hunter" watcher! Although, I have to admit that I haven't watched any of the episodes for a while. I think I stopped watching after Season 2 ended. Is Season 3 already in progress or are they just airing re-runs?



It starts in Sept but the ones I saw Wed. nite I'd never seen before,(although I still watch episodes i've seen already!)... must have been from Season 1 b/c Dave Tango wasn't part of the team yet. Ghosts Beware! haha

Anyway! The bag frienzy has begun again.. I can't type fast enough to get back to it!

It's so nice to read all of your personal experiences because I don't feel like I have "project ADD" :hyper:applause

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