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Never gonna make it to 50

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inches that is. everytime I measure, i swear it gets smaller.. :think I really want to be done with the body of this blanket soon. encouragement please.. thanks

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:think My mum has an expression.:think


:cheer "The hurryer I go, the behinder I get.":cheer


:think Maybe that is your problem.:think


Give it a tug now and then because it will eventually stretch anyway.

Have fun.


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inches that is. everytime I measure, i swear it gets smaller.. :think I really want to be done with the body of this blanket soon. encouragement please.. thanks


I had a project like that... I can't remember exactly which one now but it just went NOwhere >>ere>>ere>> (did that echo nicely?)


All of a sudden it was just done :2magic


it was soooooooo weird!


All to say, you have my sympathy. :hug

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Just keep plugging away at it. Every time you have a couple of minutes, sit and do a few stitches. My first crochet project was a large granny square to fit my full size bed. I took it everywhere, I even worked on it after I had gotten into an automobile accident, while waiting for the police to arrive!

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lol! oh cat3crazy that's funny! I hope you weren't hurt tho!


Hang in there Shellybean! I'm working at such a fevered pace trying to finish my graphghan, and once I get the graphing done I have to edge, edge edge!!! I wish I could just wiggle my nose and have it done so that I can start something new and work at a more relaxed pace! What does your ghan look like so far???

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I'll post a pic tomorrow, thanks everyone. I have stepped away from it for now. I have two rows left till i am done with the body of the ghan. (whether it is 50" or not. lol) and then on to edging.. yeah!!! (not)

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