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graphs-how's your yarn set up?

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Now that the CAL is officially underway, I'm curious how your yarn is all set up? I've currently got, um... *goes to count* 13 skiens and two long strands hooked up to my graph-ghan! My husband is amazed that I can keep it straight, but you know, it's really quite easy! Please show me how you're set up, and how far you are! I started a bit early but I'm in a rush to get'er'done!






what you're looking at as far as the gray is the bottom of the hearts... the graph itself is in the link in my sig.

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thanks! yes, a bunch of tails, but no carryover, or well not much anyways. I need lots of gray lines for the outlines of the hearts, and then I have several lines of soft white for the areas on either side of all the gray! It's so fun!!!

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Oh man, I am so confused!!!:think :think :think I am just as amazed as your husband....how do you keep that straight? You must not move it from that spot.


I agree. By this time, I always have a couple of minor tangles in my graphghan.


Myself, I wouldn't change a thing that you're doing. You're doing great. Or do you want your graphghan to be more "portable" (that you can carry from room to room)?

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I keep the skiens in a basket as I work. To keep them from getting tangled, I usually have 2 baskets and move the skiens from one basket to the other as I crochet through the line. Then, as I turn, I double check to make sure nothing is tangled before starting the next row.

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Jess that's how I work it on my sc graph. I'm not sure how I'll do it now since it's a smaller picture. But it'll probably be the same. I would rather start another bobbin than carry it over more than two stitches.

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I've carried over 3 stitches, but only about 4 times so far, and then I make sure that when I pick up the middle stitch I put the hook through that carryover so that it's stitched right in.

Testify, when using the afghan stitch you don't turn, you just keep working back and forth. I put all of my yarn upright into a smallish plastic tote to move it around, but yesterday was crochet day and it was just nicer having everything laid out... can't believe the dog didn't get all tangled up! ha!

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I am not working on a graphghan at the moment, but I remember seeing a box....simple cardboard box that was divided into compartments......a ball of yarn was placed in each compartment and the yarn was fed out of a hole in the box lid.....at the end of every row....when you flip over your work, you flip over the box as well and the yarn NEVER tangles!


You could get the same effect by putting each ball of yarn in a zip lock bag and clip off a corner of the bottom..... feed the yarn out of this hole, and zip the bag up. Now put all your bags in a row in some sort of box or tube....something that will keep them all in the same order....in a stable place. Then when you flip over your work, flip the box over too......it will be so easy to keep everthing together....I am trying to find the box, and if I see it I will post it here for you to see. I am back.....I did not find the cardboard box yet....but here is a link to a blog and this lady has a similar solution....scroll down to see how she uses a box for holding wine bottles.......



I KNOW that I saw this box here in Crochetville.....It was a simple cardboard box with compartments....but it was like 30 dollars! Crazy! Still the idea is great and if you can rig something up on your own like it.......does anyone remember the thread where this was posted?

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Ladycrochat has a good idea. I've thought about trying something like that the next time I do graphghan. Another idea would be to use old soda bottles instead of the baggies. If you can get some clean 1 or 2 liter plastic soda bottles, just slice the ends off the bottom, feed the ends of your skeins through the mouth and tuck the skein up inside of the bottles then line the bottles up in a box. I think the bottles would stay in place better than the baggies when moving the box around.

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:ideaOr you could really do it up big and tape the bottles together in a 3 by 3....4by 4 square......lay it on it's side and crochet then flip it to the other side when you flip your work....it may not be pretty....but it will be so easy you won't care! LOL!:lol Now I have something to do with all those plastic soda bottles...the larger ones look like they are just begging to be filled with skeins of yarn.............can anyone think of a way to keep the bottoms of the bottles closed once the yarns are loaded inside the bottles? Maybe if you do not cut off the bottoms of the bottles.....but cut out a rectangle or slit that you can squeeze the skein through in the side of the bottle and then the yarn will POP or fluff up once it is inside.....? I saw that someone here was useing the plastic containers that baby wipes come in because they can often be opened and closed easily....and they have the hole on top to feed the yarn out of........just thinking outload (so to speak) here....what do you think?

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