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Feeling overwhelmed.......?

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Hey everyone! :D Not sure if this applies just to me, but I'm relatively new to crochet. I've made a few afghans, wash cloths, a couple stuffies, and other small things, but believe me I still make plenty of mistakes (btw, I'm self taught) Anyways, now that I am learning to read patterns better, and I suppose becoming more confident in my skills, I DON"T KNOW WHAT TO DO!!! There are so many things I would like to make, so many patterns I'd like to try. I'm feeling quite overwhelmed. Did any of you feel like this? And what direction did you decide to go in (as in amigurumi, or just afghans, or clothing), and why?


Oh and also, I like to make my own things up, I suppose because I feel like if I just do it off the top of my head, I can't make any mistakes! LOL As opposed to working from a pattern. Is that bad? Should I be doing patterns for 'practice'?

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I felt that way a couple of times. What I did was just look at what I had on my list and broke it down to thread and yarn. Then just went with what felt right.

We all get over whelmed at one time or another. A good bit of us are self taught, myself included.:hook

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I usually make whatever strikes my fancy. I might get on a hat kick, and make a bunch of hats. This summer I've made bags and dishrags, but now I'm back onto scarfs. Browsing in a book might help you focus on one thing. Even tho I've crocheted for over 4 years (learned from a book), I learn new stuff all the time. This week I learned a linked triple treble stitch. It took re-reading the directions about 20 times, and two internet tutorials, but I finally got it. I'm thinking next about trying some thread crochet...but just mulling it over right now.



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It can get overwhelming! That is why there is such as thing as UFOS(unfinished objects)! I usually decide what I am going to make based on gifts. I make a lot of baby gifts and wedding gifts etc. If you want to make something for yourself, maybe a purse to start. There is so much out there to make, but browsing and seeing what strikes you the most often, may be the way to narrow down the wish list!

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This is why I'm usually working on 6 or 7 things at one time. :lol I don't think you have to do patterns at all if you like just making things up as you go along. I like a good challenging pattern that I can learn a new technique from, though, and if you're thinking you'd like to write your own I'm sure the extra familiarity with the conventions and such would be helpful.


I made just afghans for a long time, until I really felt confident in what I was doing. Now it's a little bit of everything. I'd say go with whatever makes you happiest at the moment you're sitting down to work. If it spawns too many UFOs we'll be here to cheer you on to the finish. :cheer

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I'm all about the lists! When I see a great pattern....I buy/download it as soon as possible...it goes on my "To Do" list and those projects are arranged in order of importance. My list is now a file in my computer so that it can easily be edited and does not get lost:lol ....remember to back it up....just in case the hard drive crashes!:eek I also have several projects going at once....because at times I want to do different kinds of crochet....sometimes something soothing and repeatitive....sometimes something more challenging......but all my WIPs or things on my "To Do" list get put on hold if I have a project with a deadline...like a gift......keep in mind that crochet is only a hobby for most of us...it is the way we relieve stress, it should never be the cause of it! Have fun with it....hopefully there will be many,many years in front of you to get them all done! LOL! And if not, it sure will be fun trying! And just so you know....I have been crocheting for more than 40 years, and I still make mistakes.....so take it easy on yourself and enjoy!

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