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Does anyone else do this or am I just wierd!

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Weird??? No Way!! First of all you are an artist, and as such, none of us artists are ever weird, the word is eccentric. Yes you are eccentric, as are all of us, we have to do whatever it takes to keep those creative juices flowing. I have been told that I was "eccentric" (the W word was used) just because I make things that can be bought for a few bucks in the store. But I kept going. I prefer to say that we are unique, creative, and just as practical as our ancestors were. If that makes me "eccentric" then that is fine, but never, ever Weird.

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i think this is a riot.its ok to do what u want...especially something that gives me a complete kick.it hurts no one.it is cute.enjoy-who cares?except maybe the grinch.hugs rae-dean

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Hey if you like Christmas music in June --go for it!!to me its the happiest time of the year--even if it gets hectic some time


Im a snow baby and have snow scenes on my computer all summer --and yes --sing carols to---does this mean we re both wacky ???LOL



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I don't care for Christmas music so I can't make a judgement on whether or not you're weird, :-) but I just wanted to say we share the same name, spelling and all! Nice to meet you!



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