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Anyone know a site to make your own crochet charts?

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I have a dear friend that just lost her brother due to gay violence. I wanted to make her and her family a nice large memory 'ghan. I wanted to have a rainbow background (he was gay, which is why he was murdered) and put "In loving memory of _________" and then his DOB and DOD


How do I make a chart for font/letters? I've never even done charting (if that's even what it's called) before! But for her, I will learn.

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Find the alphabet you like and pull it into this program: http://www.microrevolt.org/knitPro/. If you google "free fonts" or "free alphabets," you'll have plenty of letters to select from. Here's one that looked interesting: http://simplythebest.net/fonts/


So sorry about your friend's brother. :hug

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If you are working in single crochet stitches (sc) only, then you can use ordinary graph paper. SC stitches are nearly square.


You have my sympathy, for your loss.

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Here is a chart of block letters (uppercase and lowercase) and Numbers............each dot can be a sc on a graph...just plan it out on Graph paper as MindyJedi suggested.



So sorry for your loss, please convey my sympathies to your friend's family.

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I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's brother. What an awful thing to have to go through. I know the afghan you design for her and her family will be greatly appreciated. Would you please post a picture of it so we can see it?

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I am so sorry for what your friend has had to go through. Please know that the family will be included in my daily prayers. Nobody should have to go through a loved one being murder just because someone else doesn't agree with anothers life style or opinions. I know they will greatly appreciate the afghan you are going to create and give to them and it will be lovely.

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I'm sorry to hear about your friend's brother and I'm sure his family will appreciate your thoughtful gift. :hug


If it helps any, I just got done making and adding some rainbow graphs to my Epson album here if you want to take a look:


The rainbow2a and rainbow3a color graphs have the 6 colors of the gay flag: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, and purple.


If you want to use one of the graphs I made, I can also personalize it for you - just let me know.



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