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Feet Need Socks Crochet-along


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Well Donna, since I've been on a sock craze lately, and you are putting my christmas socks in the gallery I figured I'd go ahead and join ;) I'm so not finished making socks yet anyway lol. I went ahead and swiped the button and stuck it on my blog (I was so proud that I actually did it right that I was giddy lol hubby thinks I'm a freak :rotfl )



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I'm finally working on my socks again! I had to put them away for a while to work on gifts, but now I have some time again...


I've frogged them about a half dozen times. I started out with the In Your Shoes pattern at Crochet Me but switched to a toes-up pattern because I couldn't get the gauge right on the first pair. But I just can't get the toes-up socks right! The pattern says to make a 1-2" chain depending on the size of the sock, and I just can't seem to get it right. I can make a huge sock or a baby sock, but not a sock that fits me :blush


So I frogged them again last night and re-started with the first pattern I was using and am just trying to make adjustments as I go along for the different gauge. So far I have the cuff and an inch of sock past the ankle--I hope they work out this time!!!

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Thanks Donna :blush I'm getting there. I finally figured out why I have such a hard time with computer related stuff. The whole HTML thing is a language, as is Math, and I suck at languages. Couldn't learn French or Spanish and so far I know less German than I do Spanish. So If I manage something new on the whole blog/website thing it's a pretty major accomplishment, but I can't guarantee I'll be able to reproduce it lol Cut n paste is how most of the stuff on my blog got there lol. Heck, I still open up a new window, dig up my web page template and cut n paste every time I want to link to something in a post because I can't remember the durn code for it. So if one of my buttons takes ya somewhere it shouldn't let me know lmao.


I'll be posting my new socks tomorrow probably... I've been wearing them all day so they need to be washed first *g*



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Go, Stacey! :cheer2 I think the toe-up socks are easier because you can try them on as you go along. Once you get the hang of those, then maybe try the cuff-down.


LOL, Marvie! You'll get better with html as time goes on. It is another language, but at least you don't have to be speak it. :lol You just have to be able to read and write it. :P


Yay, Hilary! :clap

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K I already tried to post a pic of my tweed socks in the Socks thread and couldn't get it to happen, but the pic's on my blog if you wanna go look.


I made them out of RH Tweed that my super special secret pal sent me, I've thrown the label away and can't remember the color name but they're a pretty blue. I didn't use a pattern, again, but after reading Slady's tutorial, I guess I did 'em like that lol. This is the first out of four pairs that are a perfect fit! Not to long, no oversized heels, and after wearing them all day they haven't stretched out much at all (unlike the others which stretch in a big way after part of a day) so I have to say, so far, these are my favorites =)

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I'm working on <a href="http://www.crochetandknitting.com/mensock.htm" target="_new">these</a>. I think the toe and heel being a different color is cute <img border=0 src="http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v84/crochetville/toothygrin.gif" />


I'm only through about half of one cuff, but I can tell they're going to be pretty!

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Just finished my first sock! I'm so excited! It's beautiful <img border=0 src="http://www.ezboard.com/images/emoticons/roll.gif" /> (something I never quite expected to say about a sock lol)


I'll post a picture when I finish the second one.

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i'm making socks while i wait for my yarn to arrive to start my 63 squares! they are pink! i'm halfway done the first one. i've had some probs, it doesnt say any thing in the foot section about increasing because your foot gets wide, so i had to increase but then i did too much so i had to go back and redo it. after each row i have to try it on because i dont want to waste time (or energy) doing rows when i'll just have to rip them back out. the band around my ankle, it is too wide i think. i should have done one (or two maybe) less rows of sc's. how could i fix this, if possible?

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<span style="font-family:comic sans ms; color:purple;">Of course you can put them in the gallery!


*Does a little happy dance*


Here's a better picture, with me wearing them!


<img border=0 src="http://img.villagephotos.com/p/2005-1/926328/socks002.jpg" /></span>

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