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Great use for yarn!

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Hi Everyone,


First of all, I want to say that I haven't been around as much lately. Life has gotten really crazy. I found out about a month ago that I have to move out of my current apartment - they were raising the rent almost $100/month and I just couldn't afford it anymore. Thankfully I found a new place, and now I'm just trying to pack everything up and get moved. But I'm also still working a full-time job, I have a part in the upcoming show with the community theatre group I work with, and I'm getting ready to start grad school in the fall. So unfortunately, there hasn't been much time for crocheting or knitting, or even for checking in here.


I'm trying to get on at least every few days just to see what's going on and what everyone's working on, but don't have as much time to post.


Ok... on to the yarn use I discovered. During moving and packing, my mom and I found a great way to pack up all of my stash. We're using it as cushioning for dishes, glassware, and other breakables. That way we don't have to spend more money on bubble wrap or newspapers, and we're able to pack two things at once. It's really cut down on the amount of boxes I would need and makes the packing go faster. Just a little suggestion for the next time you have to move. And maybe you can use it as justification to your hubbies or SO's when they complain about the stash :devil


I hope that everyone is doing well and once I get all moved in, I'll get back into the swing of things. Should be just in time for the Auction, which will be great. :)

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