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63 Squares Crochet Along


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Hello Anna ( Is it ok if I call you that ? )

I always like to call people by their real names on here if I know them, it sounds more personal.

I went to your blog and looked at your squares-- REALLY pretty. I love the colors you chose !

Keep up the good work . I bet you could whip out the whole 63 squares in a pretty quick time, as fast as you've done these first 2 rows !


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I talked to my sister (my 63 squares recipient) and without telling her what I'm doing, found out that the colors I chose for her afghan are the exact colors she's planning on for her living room when it's redone. She still hasn't been able to get things fixed from Katrina, but the afghan will be a perfect match to her color scheme!! :clap :clap :clap


:P Do I know my sis or what? ;)

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Of COURSE it's okay if you call me Anna! I've seriously considered doing the whole 63 squares....we'll see. There's a yarn sale coming up at my LYS, I just might have enough cash to wing enough yarn to do all of them! :lol






That is wild that your sis is planning the same colors for her home. Who ever said crocheter's don't have ESP? :hook

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Hi all, I haven't posted on this in like forever!! I will starting to work on my ghan again after Christmas. I'm using LB Wool-ease in Blue Heather, Natural Heather and Navy. It will be a gift for hubby when it's done. I have about 11 squares done so far.

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Hi Keiyla -


WOW, your afghan is GORGEOUS ! You sure did a beautiful job on it, and that 's the first crocheted item you've ever made ? MY GOSH, you have the talent ~~~

I will send the link to your photo to Donna. She's the one who puts the photos into the gallery . Her first baby is due any day now so she doesn't have much time to be on here ,but I will see that she gets the link and I'm sure she'll post it as soon as she gets the chance .

GREAT JOB--- what are you going to do next ?

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i'm with Julie, your afghan is absolutely GORGEOUS Keiyla!


well, ladies, i have sad news to report. as i stated on my blog yesterday, i went by my local yarn shop to load up on some more grey yarn for my afghan and THEY'RE OUT OF IT ! ! ! :thair so, i'm on hiatus with that for the time being. the shop owner was really nice and will see about special ordering some more for me so i can finish up....next time, i'm using nothing BUT lion brand wool ease that i can scoop up in abundance at jo-ann's or michaels ! ! ! i should've known something was up when i only saw one other skein in there the time before last when i was in there ! ! ! :bang

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Oh No, Anna !


That IS bad news -- I hope you'll be able to get the rest of the grey you need. If you have enough of the other colors , I guess you could work on them while you were waiting on the grey. I really like your colors-- that grey just sets off the other colors so well !

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Anna, I LOVE those colors! So very pretty!


As for what I'm doing next, well...I have enough yarn now for LOTS of different things so I did what any sane crocheter would...bought even MORE for a different project! I'm trying the "flattering Jacket" from the Lion's yarn site, in "granite." If I fail, I'll drop back to trying an aran afghan. :D

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Hello ladies

I have noticed that our poor 63 groups have been slipping further down on the list of crochetalongs.. we can't have that now, can we ?

Are there any of you left out there who are still working on this ? If so, let's do some posting in here and bring this back up to the forefront ... Don't want anyone getting discouraged because of lack of participation on the boards !!!


Let's try to get some kind of idea how many are actually left working on this , or if the people who were working on it have all now completed it, or if the rest of you that signed up for it have given up on it .

If so, we can go ahead and let this thread slide further down on the list . Just trying to see if we have people out there who are actively working on this yet ?


Same message will appear in the Wannabee thread --

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Hi Julie and my fellow 63'ers!


I'm still here fully intending on finishing mine. I originally wanted this ghan for me but then I decided it would be a Christmas gift for my MIL. In reality, there is no way I'll finish it in time so it's on the backburner till I get some of my other projects and Christmas gifts out of the way. I'll be back working on it very soon.

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Hi Gina

Thanks for the quick response . Can you refresh my memory -- what colors are you using and how many squares do you have done ?

I hope we have several ladies out there who are planning on picking this back up after Christmas -- then maybe we can revive this poor old thread !

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Keiyla: I :manyheart how your ghan turned out!!!! It is beautiful! My dh would want that one....he loves blue. I'm doing mine in soft navy, country bue, and white. Now I wish I had chosen baby blue instead of white. (I almost did at the time but decided against it.)


Anna: I'm glad to see you went ahead and worked on your ghan some more even though you are out of grey. Do you think the shop owner will be able to locate some more of it for you? I hope so. Your ghan is coming along very nicely. I'm jealous that you only have 14 more squares to go!

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I just posted to Keiyla the colors I'm using and then I saw that you asked while I was posting. :lol So just a recap.....soft navy, country blue, white.


It's really sad, I bought this book when I first started crocheting again, a little over two years ago, and I only have 7 squares completed and I'm in the middle of the 8th one. I thought this would be a great piece to do as a beginner but once I started it I had immediate frustration with it and put it away. That's one reason I joined this CAL....to make sure I finish it. You may just have to get out the old baseball bat that I hear you are famous for just so I can get this thing completed!!! ;)


I was reading back through this thread a bit and saw that Rebecca will be joining us again after Christmas so there's another one who's still working on it.

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Hi Gina


Yes, it is easy to get frustrated with this booklet -- the main thing that I think gives people fits is the gauge issue . That seemed to be the hardest part for me, getting the squares to all turn out to relatively the same size . I used the same size hook for mine and just adjusted the number of rows of edging to compensate. On some, I used only the final row of edging ,then others I had to make 3 rows of edging to make the square large enough to match the others. It seemed to work though . I got them all put together just fine !


Glad to see this board is still alive !:)

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Keiyla and Gina,


Thank you SO much for the nice words. I had to take a temporary hiatus on my project to finish some socks for my aunts by Christmas, LONNNGG story that I'll explain on my blog later on this morning, but I'm getting right back on the band wagon. We can't let this crochet along simmer and die out. I'll keep posting pics of my squares and update on this topic/thread as I go. 14 more squares, and I'll have my own personal afghan completed! :yay

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Yes ma'am! Without THOSE FLIPPING SOCKS (see blog for info) on my mind, I'm flying away. I pumped out four squares this afternoon/evening. That means I've got only 11 more squares to go. I used up just about all of the grey today. :( I'll be waiting with baited breath for the replacement yarn and working on the remaining squares as well so I can just work out the extra four squares needed in grey when it comes in.

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